It seems like the main objection to "Myalgic Encephalomyelitis" is that the "encephalomyelitis" is not what doctors and researchers traditionally think of as "encephalomyelitis." It would appear to be a more subtle, chronic and difficult to detect form of "encephalomyelitis." Speaking at the conclusion of the recent conference, Dr. Komaroff said:
"If it were confirmed by multiple other investigators it would, for me, say that there is a low-grade, chronic encephalitis in these patients, that the image we clinicians have of encephalitis as an acute and often dramatic clinical presentation that can even be fatal has – may have – blinded us to the possibility that there may be an entity of long-lasting – many years long – cyclic, chronic, neuro-inflammation and that that underlies the symptoms of this illness.”
So I began thinking about a word which would mean a "non-traditional," less "full blown" form of encephalomyelitis. I came up with:
Myalgic Paraencephalomyelitis
[which could be abbreviated MP, MpE or MPE or could continue to be abbreviate ME.]
The Greek word "Para" means "close to" or "adjacent to" or "a version of" or "not quite, but similar." It shows up in a lot of words like "parallel," "paraphrase," "paramedic," and even "parathyroid". [It unfortunately also shows up in "paranoid" where it seems to literally mean something like "not quite one's self," but obviously this association isn't made with other words beginning with "para." My parathyroid glands do not have irrational suspicions.
[The "para" prefix is
not the same as the "pseudo" prefix, which means "false."]
I think this, or something like it, could help to get past the nomenclature objections of the traditionalists while still conveying that there is type of brain and spinal cord inflammation going on.
Just another idea....