Hi Nielk~
I was a very religious (spiritual) person prior to becoming ill. Before I got sick I prayed: "God I'd be willing to walk through hell if it would bring one person closer to you." Within a week I was hit full on with CFS/ME. It has been a hellish journey. And I think the person that has gotten closer to God has been me. I've also prayed in the midst of this illness that I would not be miraculously cured, but that it would be clear through my symptoms and labs what is going on so that the doctors could understand this illness better. That has happened a couple of times....where symptoms have matched up with labs, indicating an infectious pathogen playing a role. That has been exciting, but it has not been enjoyable for me to go through. I've learned I should be careful what I pray for!
In the midst of the suffering and pain I've asked God to show me Himself once a month. He has done that and that encourages me to continue on in this difficult journey. There have also been some significant miracles that only He could have orchestrated so that keeps me believing that He has His hand in all of this and that my journey through CFS/ME is something He is allowing for a reason.
I have become much more sensitive to other's pain and have come to realize that just because a person looks well they may not be well. I thought I was compassionate before my illness but I have become more so.
My priorities in life have changed. I used to be very physically active (skiing, mountain biking, backpacking etc). I can't do those things at all. My family still does. I take what energy I have to meet their needs as I can, then work to help those with CFS/ME. To that end I have worked on some projects with my doctor:
http://chronicfatigue.stanford.edu/ and written a book (all proceeds going to various CFS/ME organizations---this month all proceeds are going to Phoenix Rising
http://www.whensomethingswrong.com/ I would not have done those projects if I had not gotten ill. I never would have chosen this path, but since God has allowed it, and made it clear through various miracles that this is the path for me I have tried to stay open to His voice about what He wants me to do while I am sick.
I have made it clear to God that my prayer was I'd be willing to walk through hell, not stay in it, so hopefully that prayer will be answered someday. In the meantime I try very hard to focus on the positive not the negative. It is a battle, but I'd rather be upbeat than not. So, for today I am grateful that I slept relatively well and that the antibiotics are not hurting my stomach. Also, on a more general level, I do have a house to sleep in, food to eat, clothes to wear, etc. Many people in the world don't have that.
I listen to podcasts often on my ipod. Joel Osteen, Chuck Swindoll, Chip Ingram and Joyce Meyer help me to keep my attitude good rather than sour. We need all the help we can get when we go through this stuff.
God knows if I win the lottery the majority of the proceeds are going towards solving CFS/ME. He has not blessed me in that way yet. Hopefully He will some day.
In the meantime, I try to listen to His voice, for what He wants me to do, for I am dedicated to helping those who suffer with this illness.
Thanks for posing these questions Nielk. I enjoyed thinking about them and reading others responses.
My best to all and may we all feel God's loving arms during our trials.