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    Created in 2008, Phoenix Rising is the largest and oldest forum dedicated to furthering the understanding of, and finding treatments for, complex chronic illnesses such as chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS), fibromyalgia, long COVID, postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS), mast cell activation syndrome (MCAS), and allied diseases.

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Glasgow, Scotland
Did you get to the bottom of this sean

Not yet unfortunately, though thankfully this weight loss I mentioned previously hasn't worsened too much since I posted this.

I recently seen a neurologist tried to diagnose me with FND and said that my symptoms are "somatic", I disagree with this of course. So I'll be seeing another neurologist soon from the UK who I'm hoping could help get to the bottom of this illness after 5+ years. Apparently he was the same doctor who recorded the first ME/CFS death in the UK in 2005. While I don't appear to actualy have ME/CFS, I do seem to have some kind of post-viral (or bacterial) illness affecting my brain so hopefully this doctor can figure out something.


Senior Member
Not yet unfortunately, though thankfully this weight loss I mentioned previously hasn't worsened too much since I posted this.

I recently seen a neurologist tried to diagnose me with FND and said that my symptoms are "somatic", I disagree with this of course. So I'll be seeing another neurologist soon from the UK who I'm hoping could help get to the bottom of this illness after 5+ years. Apparently he was the same doctor who recorded the first ME/CFS death in the UK in 2005. While I don't appear to actualy have ME/CFS, I do seem to have some kind of post-viral (or bacterial) illness affecting my brain so hopefully this doctor can figure out something.
Glad to hear you've plateued out a bit. Hope you get somewhere with it soon Sean