Study: How Baking Soda helps with mast cell activation, autoimmune and allergies and inflammation


Senior Member
A daily dose of baking soda may help reduce the destructive inflammation of autoimmune diseases like rheumatoid arthritis, scientists say. They have some of the first evidence of how the cheap, over-the-counter antacid can encourage our spleen to promote instead an anti-inflammatory environment that could be therapeutic in the face of inflammatory disease, scientists report.

so drinking baking soda (or natron or sodium bicarbonate) might potentially help with mcas, allergies and inflammation by shifting the body a bit more towards anti inflammation.
would be interesting to hear some experiences.

WARNING: do not confuse with sodium carbonate (missing the "bi") which is aggressive substance used as detergent or bleach and might kill or harm you badly.
so if you get sodium BIcarbonate, make sure its sold as food and safe for eating.
also careful , as it will neutralize stomach acid if you got problems with that. should be taken far from eating to not disturb the balance.


Senior Member
My new doctor recently told me that most of her patients with MCAS find it helpful to drink a glass of water with 1/2 t of baking soda in it each day. I have been doing it for almost a month and while I can't claim anything dramatic, I do feel slightly better, with little else to 'blame that on.' It certainly hasn't been problematic in any way, so I will likely continue to do it.


Senior Member
My new doctor recently told me that most of her patients with MCAS find it helpful to drink a glass of water with 1/2 t of baking soda in it each day. I have been doing it for almost a month and while I can't claim anything dramatic, I do feel slightly better, with little else to 'blame that on.' It certainlyeck hasn't been problematic in any way, so I will likely continue to do it.
very interesting.

recently someone wrote to check urine for PH, also i read that on chris masterjohns blog that he did it for himself. he raised the sodium bicarbonate so much that his urine went into 6.5-7.5 range which improved his physical abilitys drastically... or so he said.
his urine wasnt measurable with regular test stripes because it was to acidic. same for me, teststripe doesnt change a bit, it must be far below 6.

so you might try that as well, get some PH urine test strips and raise until you get into the 7 range. maybe this will improve your response even more.

i hope i find one day the courage to try it out myself.


Senior Member
I have been doing it for almost a month and while I can't claim anything dramatic, I do feel slightly better,
That's useful information. There are lots of "theoretically, this should improve your health" concepts, but the gap between "theoretically when applied to cells in a test tube" and real life bodies is vast. So, how many people here will try it and report amazing life-changing improvements? Brushing my teeth with baking soda for a week (testing toothpaste avoidance) didn't have any effect.

WARNING: do not confuse with sodium carbonate
Actually, sodium carbonate is used in cooking. I know it's used in making ramen, and IIRC also used as a flavouring in Indian cooking. Don't swallow large amounts, since it is corrosive (bicarbonate is too, just less so), but it's not really toxic the way heavy metals or organic toxins are. I noticed that you can convert bicarbonate to carbonate by heating for a while.


Senior Member
Vancouver, BC
I'm not sure how unusual this is, but whenever I have tried baking soda it just gives me acid reflux. I mean I have it anyways, but it is basically 100% treated EXCEPT for the periods I've trialed BS and its not just on the days I've taken BS.

I thought it was just a coincidence, but this has been repeatable.


Senior Member
I'm not sure how unusual this is, but whenever I have tried baking soda it just gives me acid reflux. I mean I have it anyways, but it is basically 100% treated EXCEPT for the periods I've trialed BS and its not just on the days I've taken BS.

I thought it was just a coincidence, but this has been repeatable.
actually makes perfect sense.
your stomach is low on acid, if you neutralize it with alkalines it will rebound or stomach muscles will work more to compensate for lack of acidity and also esophagus doesnt close completely.
try taking betain HCL capsules to make your stomach more acid, but with meals.


Senior Member
East Sussex
I've been using sodium Bicarbonate capsules the past couple of years after acquiring Long Cov symptoms in addition to my M.E./Lyme, or the exacerbation of my illness due to additional Cov.

I only use it when I'm in a particularly bad flare up with a high resting HR of 90-100. It rapidly brings the HR down to 70bpm within 30 mins. This kind of flare also responds well to H1 antihistamines so I think that its MCAS/histamine related.

Only trouble is recently the SB started making my tinnitus a lot worse and I found that it was possibly sodium being too high so had to increase other electrolytes.


Senior Member
@ChrisD interesting!

if sodium is your problem, you can also get potassiumbicarbonate or other electrolyte compounds, sodium is only one electrolyte hydrogencarbonate can bind to.

but i could imagine something different, it might be a functional thiamin deficiency maybe. try to take the sodiumbicarbonat with thiamin for testing this out. or a whole b complex.

but there is also a too much of everything, your cells need to be in a special range to generate atp most efficient, so at some point you might have become to high in ph.
if that is the case, try some vinegar.

also base's have the potential to stress your adrenal glands. in that case you actually would need sodium and vitamin C and b5.


Senior Member
I couldn't figure out whether the measurements of effects on mitochondria were from direct application to the cells (injected into eyes, or done on cells on glassware), and not from adding it to the drinking water. Since the body actively adjusts the bicarbonate level in the blood, I don't see how swallowing baking soda is going to dramatically change the level of bicarbonate in a cell somewhere in the body. is an article claiming that swallowing baking soda affects the spleen and the balance between M1 and M2 states of t-cells. However, while there are many health (marketing) magazine articles about how drinking baking soda will fix inflammation, I haven't found any reliable studies about a bit of soda treating arthritis or other immune disorders.

The article linusbert linked to just made me feel sorry for those rats getting needles in their eyes.


Senior Member
yea animal studies suck.

i can tell from practice that natural hydrogencarbonate in my mineral water did make my urine less acidic ... a lot. so there is at least something taken up from the guts , going through blood, kidneys and back out.


Senior Member
so there is at least something taken up from the guts , going through blood, kidneys and back out.
Not necessarily the bicarbonate that was ingested. It might change stomach acid production, which changes other organs functions, which changes other organs functions, finally resulting in lower urine pH, with none of those bicarbonate anions reaching the urine.


Senior Member
your stomach is low on acid, if you neutralize it with alkalines it will rebound or stomach muscles will work more to compensate for lack of acidity and also esophagus doesnt close completely.
do you have more insight into why the esophagus doesn't fully close?


Senior Member
do you have more insight into why the esophagus doesn't fully close?
i do not know, i guess it could be neurological thing, like b1.. b12 etc. deficiency , could be muscle worn out, could be bad sleep position, could be too less acid the muscle reacts to acid.