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Strong Detox reaction to AdenosylB12!


Senior Member
Las Vegas, Nevada
Hi, guys! I started mb12, methylfolate and adb12 about 4 weeks ago and am up to 5000mcgmb12 1600mcg methylfolate and 1500mcg adb12 every 3 days. 8 went through about 1 and a half weeks of notecable detox, with flu like symptoms, but now 8 seem to be doing alright on mb12 and mthf. However when I take adb12 the next day i notice strong detox like, tired, depressed, anxious, adrenal fatigue kind of symptoms, even at such a low dose as 1500mcg every 3 days. Has anyone experienced that with adb12 only? I though mb12 and mthf is more likely to cause detox, but for me it doesnt appear to be so. Is it a good thing and should i just push through and try and take more? Or does it mean i dont need that much adb12 and maybe i am taking too much? Any insight is greatly appreciated!


Senior Member
Las Vegas, Nevada
Hi, Caledonia! Thanks for answering. Well, i guess i seen some people take 4mg of adb12 a day, so i figured 1500mcg every 3 days is only 500mcg per day which in difference doesnt sound too much at all. But i get it that everyyone is different. Also the tablet is pretty small as it is at is 3000mcg, so i have to split it in half to even take 1500mcg. The only smaller controlled dose ill be able to take is 750mcg by splitting that half further. Also once my original detox was over i had no more issues taking mb12, so i was wondering if anyone knew what could be the reson for one being ok with methylb12 form, but having detox from adenosylb12. And i guess more than anything if maybe its a some sort of a clue as to what is wrong if you know what i mean. I keep reading Freddd say that mb12 is the most likely form to give someone a detox, but for me its the opposite, so was just wondering what the cause cfor that could be.


Senior Member
Las Vegas, Nevada
Yes, got potassium and have been taking it, so i doubt it is that, especially that i dont react same way to mb12, which i take in much greater amounts. Its something to do just with this type of b12 for some reason.


Senior Member
Are you taking the ADB12 with folic acid, and if so, is there any possibility you are reacting to the folic acid rather than the ADB12?


Senior Member
Anteah, folic acid could be blocking your ability to use the methylfolate you are taking. Both Rich and Freddd have written extensively about this, and it is why neither Rich or Freddd recommend taking folic acid. Most people here taking ADB12 are using Source Naturals dibencozide, a few are using Anabol Natural dibencozide or another brand, or folinic acid.


Senior Member
Las Vegas, Nevada
Yes, the more i look at those the more i think i probably should get it. My concern though is they are drops and I wont be able to hold them in my mouth as long as sublinguals, so was worried that they may essentially be a waste of money.


Senior Member
Las Vegas, Nevada
Pela, you are right, i was thinking about that, and am trying to minimize my folic acid intake, but I looked the other day and found that my multivitamin, which i otherwise find very fitting for my needs, contains small amount of folic acid. So from that I figure that maybe it is not folic acid that gets me with adb12, but i will not know until i try the one without. Will most likely go the drop route next, as I am trying to avoid the sweeteners as well.