Strange health issues...genetic?


Senior Member
Pacific Northwest
@Learner1 WOW thanks so much for taking the time to write this up! Appreciate everyone’s help here! All very interesting stuff, I used to notice I was a lot more vascular. Now as these problems started not so much. The nitric oxide like you also help me sleep I noticed. I’ll order the strips. How often do you test?
I tested first thing every morning for 10 days to see if I was low and then if the NO supplement was working and at what dose, and then once a week after that to check status.
Is an oxalate problem possibly indicative of low dopamine, noriepi, and epi? Or could that be a different issue or SNP?
High oxalates create oxidative stress which can lead to peroxynitrite production, which counterintuitively are lessened by adequate NO production. They also deplete mineral co-factors as they bind to oxalates making sharp crystals which damage mitos, deposit in tissues and organs and cause all sorts of mischief🙄.
Ive been taking the b complex below- 2 tabs a day and Thorne Molybedum 1 tab, 10 mg of lithium orotate split in 2 doses.

Super B-Complex – Methylated Sustained
That supplement wouldn't do much for me. It's a basic supplement aimed at "healthy" people, not sick people like us. It might be wise to do a Genova Diagnostics NutrEval test or a Great Plains OAT test to gauge your need for various B vitamins and the ratio between them.

Just as a comparison, I currently take 3 Thorne MethylGuard Plus, 3 Thorne Neurochondria, 2 Thorne 5-MTHF, 3 Life Extension Benfotiamine, 100mg R5P and 4 Thorne Pantethine daily, plus 3 injections of high potency B complex and MB12 a week. That might be too much for many people, but it's what my body needs. I also take magnesium malate, zinc picolinate, and the Thorne molybdenum, as co-factors, and NT Factor for phospholipid support of membranes.
I did the same thing, along with many others -- went to the Heartfixer site, and got the Yasko methylation analysis, only to find out several years later that maybe not all of it -- but much of it was based on her faulty interpretation of studies, etc., -- things that she refused to acknowledge, perhaps due to the possibility of legal action, who knows. But 10-11-12 years ago, that was all there was out there. She kind of cornered the market for a good 5+ years.

Nevertheless, that cost me a LOT in terms of my health, not to mention wasted years, dollars I didn't have, etc..

So I'm just trying warn others so the same things don't happen to them, and to point out that there is now, as you say, 'more up to date knowledge'.
Both of them have me a framework to understand methylation, then I did my own n=1 testing to try to understand how the concepts fit me. We have other genes that affect Methylation, and we are all individuals with unique combinations of genes and environmental exposures - Naviaux's list of "cell dangers."

There's been a lot of learning over the past 10 years, and a realization that these other factors can make a big difference. The problem I see is that people try to buy a canned supplement with a generic formulation of B vitamins in certain ratios or follow some protocol they read on the internet, and it's not right for their body and circumstances. Either one needs to be extremely self aware and educated about the dynamics and experiment very carefully to optimize a protocol, or do some testing to short cut the entire process.;)
That supplement wouldn't do much for me. It's a basic supplement aimed at "healthy" people, not sick people like us. It might be wise to do a Genova Diagnostics NutrEval test or a Great Plains OAT test to gauge your need for various B vitamins and the ratio between them.

Just as a comparison, I currently take 3 Thorne MethylGuard Plus, 3 Thorne Neurochondria, 2 Thorne 5-MTHF, 3 Life Extension Benfotiamine, 100mg R5P and 4 Thorne Pantethine daily, plus 3 injections of high potency B complex and MB12 a week. That might be too much for many people, but it's what my body needs. I also take magnesium malate, zinc picolinate, and the Thorne molybdenum, as co-factors, and NT Factor for phospholipid support of membranes.

Thanks @Learner1 . I actually did a nutreval and it showed B vitamin deficiency about a year ago. My naturopath has me take Quick Silver Liposomal B complex and glutathione. I felt great for a while and then I could no longer tolerate the B vitamins complex. I would say this was around a couple of months. I’ll post my nutreval results, curious on anyone’s thoughts of how long it would take to get back in range. Also why the shift from feeling great to jittery/anxious suddenly?

Also if anyone sees anything indicative of my health issues above in my nutreval please let me know too. Thanks!!


Senior Member
Pacific Northwest
Lysine and methionine are trending low. You'll want to watch both of these and supplement if they're low.

Arginine and citrulline are low. You may be burning BH4, needed for NO production and to reduce peroxynitrites. Could also need more manganese or B6. B6 looks low - it's needed for over 100 reactions, including repair of cell membranes, methylation, prevention of sulfur loss due to oxalates, heating production, etc.

You might want to cut back on olive oil and eat more salmon.

You might want to look into oxalates, especially if you've been on antibiotics in the past. Your marginal fungal markers might be evidence of this, but maybe not...

You may need carnitine and magnesium as your suberic and adipic acids are a little high. Your glutaric acid is on the high side also indicating a potential fatty acid oxidation issue, taking carnitine (or ALCAR) might help. This might explain the low pyruvate and lactate (which follows pyruvate). Other possibilities of low pyruvate are lack of epinepherine (are you on a beta blocker for POTS?) or one of these reasons:


Citrate and isocitrate are low. Might be anemia, need for more glutathione (production or recycling - your glycine is pretty low, it's one of the three aminos needed to produce glutathione), or need for B3, magnesium, or manganese. Some of us are doing well with NAD, or a precursor like NMN or NR, all forms of B3, which are used as a catalyst in many reactions.

You also look a little toxic. Getting methylation and glutathione production and recycling working better might be useful. See attached, slides 4 and 11-15, which discusses why just giving glutathione becomes unsuccessful after awhile. After you supplement glycine, you may want to look into B5 and the other co-factors.

Overall, though, this report is not too bad. There are very workable issues and you have some good clues. It might be helpful to follow up with a Doctor's Data Essential Minerals and a provoked urine heavy metals test, look into mycotoxins, and do a Great Plains OAT test to look into oxalates and their mycotoxin test to look into mycotoxins. A HDRI nitrotyrosine test would tell you about peroxynitrites, and their reduced/oxidized glutathione test would tell you if producing or recycling glutathione us more your issue. Humann or Berkeley Life nitric oxide test strips would tell you about NO issues.

If you're reacting, you're toxic with something, which is why I've made the recommendations above. Good things to discuss with your doctor...


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Thanks @Learner1 , ordered some test. My NO is optimal about 50% of the time I check. Also did a hair mineral analysis (Below), you were spot on. Toxic for some metals. Silver (maybe from colloidal silver back from the winter?) . Not sure about the others, I have a Berkey water filter I use.

Deficient in iodine. I took some lugols 2mg per drop. Did 4 drops the first day and felt amazing with great energy. Did this for two more days and did about 8 drops. The following day repeated this and at night was feeling wired, got chills, and developed a higher temp around 99. Was fine the next day. Prior my thyroid labs looked great. I kicked down to mcg instead of mgs. Weird reaction.
Also anyone have a recommendation for a practitioner that has experience testing and working with these issues? My naturopath is great, just not sure if some of the Genetic and Metabolic/Oxalate issues are their specialty and will probably need help with interpreting all this stuff. Planning on doing the OAT, MycoToxins, NitroTyrosine and Glutathione Test and thinking of testing for sulfur and ammonia issues too. Thanks all!