Stomach Issues, Methylation, Supplements and Stress: All Intertwined


Senior Member
the pain may well have been gall stones.
At some point in the last 5 years, I know I couldn’t tolerate Betaine HCL. It didn’t upset my stomach, it made an area of my intestines sore. Is there a value to trying again, or is it all the same if I head to Sweedish Bitters instead? I’ve read some very good reviews of them on iHerb and they seem to do much the same thing.

I don't know.

I had some pain under my right ribs (upper right quadrant of belly) a few times when I started taking betaine hcl. I know that I ended up avoiding all fats save MCT oil (which neither needs nor prompts the release of bile) for a week.

I now think that this was probably a gallbladder issue, perhaps a gall stone, I don't know. "Some pain" is an understatement but everyone here is so used to pain.

The logic would be that not releasing enough bile for a long time may have allowed bile to sit and gall stones to crystallise out of the solution. Acidifying the stomach, and eating a diet containg fat would have stimulated the release lots of of bile forcing out a gall stone.

But I do not know, this only occurred to me on Sunday.

Richvank's argument was that the low stomach acid was the result of low ATP. Creating the acid needed for digestion is one of those very energy intensive things that our bodies give up on.

So I suspect that things that stimulate stomach acid in normal people might not work, as it is not that our bodies lack the will or the signal but that they lack the energy.

I know that I must have been releasing some bile, because in 2012 I started on a high dose of Ox bile( 500mg per meal) and continued at that rate for about 160 capsules before I started to get too much bile in my stools.

Bile is recycled, so the idea is that you start with a highish dose and then work down to a maintenance dose.

re the bitters,

They may well work with the release of bile. I know that there was a period last year where I was taking himalaya livercare ( and I found that I ended up with better bile production. I think.

I know well that sensation you get when you chew on dandelion greens or some other bitter, and have often found myself desiring bitter greens over the last 12 years. I understand that this is supposed to be the triggering of bile release and do a lot of other useful stuff.

I understand that you have to taste the bitters to get the maximum effect (though I have not searched out the underlying science and am relying on advice from a herbalist here) so I was opening the capsules and tasting the bitters shortly before eating (5 - 15 minutes).

I know that there was a period when I was taking them when I that my bile production went up and my stools were a much better shape and colour. I think that I was taking low dose betaine hcl then, just 1 per meal. I was not taking notes, I was not well enough, and my memories are just jumbled impressions.

I went off the livercare when I started AIP paleo, because Ballantyne recommends stopping all nightshades, I knew I had issues with eggplant and potato (which seem to have passed now) and was having major issues with anxiety and desperate to do anything that might work.

I am now thinking I should look into bitters, and it occurs to me that my notes from february show that I was adverse to fats and leafy greens (which would have been mostly kale and rocket/arugula at the time) not just fats after those pains in the upper right quadrant of my belly.

July 2015= Abdomen bloated, IBS, meals took longer to digest so ate lesser & lesser till subsisting purely on bone brothe only, organic food & enzymes not working anymore, allergic to most food, lost dexterity in finger & toe joints, water retention on knees & ankle, grey facial skin tone, lethargic, chronic fatigue. All these pointed to high inflammation due to leaky gut. Was put on high dosages of cucurmin & glutamine by naturopath but these reduces symptoms not cure.

Aug 2015= Started Tibetan Herb for gut cleansing 30 days, rebalanced with Vitamin A, B1-3,5,Me12, Ado12, C liposome, D3, E, K2, zinc, magnesium, boron and midway could start eating organic food, also reduced leaky gut. Later read up that our guts encapsulate heavy metals in fats between villi to protect us from toxins and when layers upon layers are stacked not able to excrete out, our guts no longer able to produce requisite enzymes nor absorb nutrients from food. By herbal gut cleansing, these accumulated gunk started peeling off gut walls & excreted, small blackish stools for me or long blackish worm-like flaps for some.

Sep 2015= After resting a week, restart herbal gut cleansing again. Keep cleansing till stools are no longer blackish or when all heavy metals are completely removed from body through chelation.
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Juice Me Up, Scotty!!!
Murcia, Spain
Sep 2015= After resting a week, restart herbal gut cleansing again. Keep cleansing till stools are no longer blackish or when all heavy metals are completely removed from body through chelation.

Hello pelea. I want to ask you to start a thread explaining in detail your recovery strategy and the rationale behind it. This is the best way to share your success, reaching more people and with the appropriate data, for example adding the name of the "Tibetan herb". Recovering from CFS well deserves its own thread, don´t you think? ;)
Still a long way from recovery. In Oct 2014 & Jul 2015 got detoxed by Bioresonance (therapist said to drink more water will do!) & in Jul-Aug 2015 accidentally took 3 packets of 250mg R-ALA all without any knowledge of chelation that cumulated in gut unable to function, but reclaimed some reading & analytical ability. Just happened to travel & met Tibetan physician who prescribed gut cleansing herb but there are others you can buy on-line. Started researching and buying kindle books on heavy metals & in "The Mercury Diaries" by Daniel Forsyth, his book made me understand about the relationship between mercury & gut, he also recommended which gut cleansing herb to buy on-line which you can check out.


Senior Member
Boston, Massachusetts
@pelea Very cool, your running into the Tibetan guy who could help you out with gut herbs. Good karma coming your way. I look forward to hearing more. And isn't it just the way it seems to go, that what might actually help your body in one way, can be the absolute pits in another?! All the methylation supps are like this for me.

And this reminds me I have an update. My iHerb order arrived and I tried a small amount of Betaine HCL--about 1/4 of a tab of roughly 160 mg, with a smidge of pepsin. I actually posted my reaction on another site I started concurrently--sorry--and forgot to add it here:

And what I said:
yesterday when I took about 1/4 Betaine HCL at lunch time, roughly 160 mg, within a few hours, my eyes were more watery, the lids red-rimmed, and by later in the evening while sitting at a lovely independent film with my husband, I commented to him that I was feeling 'overwrought'. We were watching a very gentle film and I was emotionally over-the-top, felt all this inner pressure. By bedtime, I had a headache and what I call my 'tight face' as if I'm making some horrible face and all the muscles ache. I've always associated these feelings as a folate block, or paradoxical folate insufficiency. My body needs more. But to absorb more, I'd have to take more MeB-12 and ultimately, that way lies sleeplessness...until I gradually get used to the doses and nudge my body higher every couple of weeks. The alternative is to take niacin to stop the over-methylation that is going on.

I didn't think of that last night, though, and I was awake much of it. Not uncomfortable. Just wide awake, reading. My stomach was more settled and my eyes less dry and scratchy. But I'm having one of those extremely tired days, slogging to do what must be done, no smile on my face, a little crabby to the people I love.

Back to now: So that's what roughly 160mg of Betaine HCL did for me. What I didn't add of the 'Eye' thread, was that not only were my eyes less dry and sticky that night, but the mucus at the base of my throat was substantially less. Go figure. That would seem to be a good thing, right? even if I couldn't sleep...

@Richard7 Bananas. I'm glad you're having a good experience with them. They've given me a stomach ache for years. More about my gut, right? But that's the least of my problems!

My next experiment will be with digestive enzymes. But not today. For now, it's sauerkraut and lemon juice, some probiotics, occasional kefir, a bit of zinc and the methyls I can tolerate.

And whoops, forgot to mention I did Bioresonance, myself, for a few years, I think, with a terrific doc in NYC. I was most impressed with the remote energy work he could do; and the way he'd help me via phone if I needed to know if my body wanted a particular supplement or not.
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Frequently use Bioresonance to test all my supplements & food & my body rejects HCL outright so have stopped it.

Sauerkraut provides Vit K2 & together with Zinc are cofactors of Vit D. With right amount taken all of which are important for all cells & not just bones, as stated in the latest medical paper & the medical board has now revised upwards the recommended Vit D in our blood but most doctors & natural practitioners are still unaware!

My friend was told by naturopath that niacin can lower cholesterol & when blood test didn't result in decrease, was advised to increase dosage & he likes the surge of energy. However yearly medical checkup found his liver funny & was sent for further liver tests, liver was scarred!
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Senior Member
Bananas. I'm glad you're having a good experience with them. They've given me a stomach ache for years. More about my gut, right? But that's the least of my problems!

Perhaps. I don't know why but they gave me near instant headaches for years. A couple of months ago I desired them, cautiously tried one and found that they no longer give me headaches.