Hello Gracenote!
Happy to see you...I can't speak for anyone else, but I am documenting this for me...and the Clinics in both CR and Panama keep in contact regularly via email for the next 5 years plus. I had to sign off on that so I would think and (HOPE) they are compiling medical information. I don't think that would be available to us though. They can give more stats now maybe? I asked alot of questions and while keeping the privacy of patients they still allowed my curiousity to be satisfied. My Dr. from CR asked some great questions as soon as I got home, and has continued to follow up ALOT! (they are very caring and want you to get well). As for Cheney I think he would be the only one with hard facts in the US and the other Dr.... M0joey mentioned, GMA, GORDON MEDICAL ASSOCIATES. I too, was very interested in concrete information. Much of that was either validated through my research or through the success had from other patients in CR with CFS/ME and the long list of illness' they treat...at least enough for me to make a solid game plan.
Hope that helps....
Hi All,
Molly we are every day so grateful to you for sharing your experience with, and knowledge about, stem cells. You've started a little movement. Or maybe a big one.
I like Gracenote's compile stats idea (as best we can). To secure funds for treatment...numbers plus the kind of extensive research Molly did could be helpful for preparing a case and, I hate to say it, "selling" it to family, friends, rich aunts and uncles, mafia relatives, churches, synogogues, mosques, gambling addicts, pirates and god knows who. We could be determined to make this happen somehow.
Thanks Molly for mentioning Cheney as the man for numbers. Must be more than just his posted anecdotes, right? Maybe not. I called his office and was told "it's too soon to tell" and the total number of Cheney stem cell patients is "less than 20." Anyone on first name basis with Dr. Cheney? Still curious as to how each of those patients responded. Again--Molly this is why we are so grateful for YOU.
The group rate is a fantastic idea. And I'm wondering how we could get this treatment to the most people--folks who are of limited means financially. And in my crazy thinking I still believe there must be some philanthropic group or individual who would love to see more research on what is the new frontier of CFS and autoimmune treatment. The Bill Gates Foundation, under "grant seekers," has a "negelected diseases" section. I doubt sending CFS patients to CR for stem cell treatment is what they have in mind, but it's a thought.
We need a famous, CFS-stem cell spokesperson which is what our culture loves.