When I discussed Cheneys stem cell treatments with Dr. Klimas,and if she would get on board with it she gave me a very stern answer..NO! lol,
did dr k say why...she says NO
tx, lisa
When I discussed Cheneys stem cell treatments with Dr. Klimas,and if she would get on board with it she gave me a very stern answer..NO! lol,
Not enough research, long term effects etc. Cheney has discussed at lenght with her his treatment plans, but I guess everyone has their medical opinons. And she doesnt like the idea of it being outside the US.:Retro mad: I guess UM is doing a lot of stem cell research. The clinics are American companies as I understand. Molly, who referred you?
Hi Guys,
I don't know this for sure, but isn't the stem cells kinda the last resort with his patients? Don't most if not all try his other protocols first? Maybe not? Anybody know?
Nope, not last resort, up to the patient and actually this is part of his protocal now.
Hi Calzy,
Thanks for the info. I would consider it if I knew more about it and could beg, borrow, or steal....oh OK, beg and borrow the money to do it. I am not highly concerned about the clinic being outside of the US. I can't imagine that Cheney would be using it if it was set up in someone's garage.I have managed to lose 19+ years of my life in this country with almost no help at all from our medical system.
Take care,
I had 8 total infusions all within the same trip. There isn't really a NORMAL for stem cells. Usually they start you off on a certain amount of infusions. That being said, I had the option to stay longer and have more infusions. Now, with the "mini lipo" you stay longer because they replicate your cells, so they need to grow and expand. Then they are checked for quality etc.
Age: I would say it is up to your body and how IT responds. Others including Cheney say that it is important to be in the "window" of 40 years old and under. This is predicated on the fact that 40 year olds and under have more growth hormone (the younger the more growth hormone) which helps in the stem cell process and getting well. A few of the doctors I spoke with said that the stem cells will travel to YOUR bone marrow AND everywhere it is NEEDED and revamp your body. I have been told many times by the docs in Costa Rica ...age doesnt matter, your BODY and how IT responds is important. And seeing the age of many others there I would say that is true.
I am in the window.
Length of Illness: It was discussed obviously that the shorter the duration the greater the recovery, BUT they have also had a mixed bag with long term MS etc patients who got better quickly and some who were sick a short amount of time possibly not responding. My friend was sick with MS for 15-20 years, has a new life now.
Other Factors: No drinking or Smoking. Watch your diet...
I asked re: viruses and replication? *the new cells will help shift the corrupted genotype*
I wanted to know if I could become worse, they said it could happen. I asked so MANY questions so if you have particulars let me know.
Long Term Prognosis: Unknown. They never make a promise of a cure. After my consultation and research, I knew I would try it and if I have to go back, I will. I would rather feel better and have the hopes of eventually returning to something close to normal, than to not have hope at all.
Yes, people go back more than once. Sometimes it only takes the first time.
I am keeping a cool stem cell journal to chart myself!
Hope I have answered your questions. Any more? Feel free to ask
I am actually glad that they don't make a promise of a cure. I don't see how anyone could do that. I will probably come up with more questions later.
Interesting. Yeah, I honestly have no idea where they would take it from me. I have a bit on my bum and that is honestly it. :Retro redface: I'm 6'1" and weigh a mere 125 lbs. :worried: Wonder how much they actually need.
Also, I'm assuming not, but maybe the fat cells could come from someone else (a family member)?
It is my understanding that they will not be using the belly fat stem cells any longer!! So please update your information.
In this issue of the Cheney Research Newsletter we emphasize the continued success of stem cell therapy in CFS by highlighting a family of three and their response to stem cells including the second cure so far seen after 13 cases treated to date. We are finding that the response is superb for those under 30 but more blunted in those over 50 after just one infusion cycle. We are giving two and possibly three cycles of stem cells now about 3-12 months apart which appears necessary for the older and sicker patients with emphasis on older (above 40). My sense is that those over 60 and especially over 70 will not do that well on a single cycle of stem cells, especially over time, though that may be a physiological age limit and not a chronological age limitation on expected response. Multiple cycles will probably be necessary for ages over 30 and the older the patient, the more cycles may be needed.
The stem cells really clean up the gut by GI(2) panel follow-up and reduce elevated immune activation markers such as TGF Beta-1 and C4a. Allergies significantly improve. We also see improved redox status markers such as MDA, SOD, GPx, NADH and NADPH and significantly improved oxygen toxicity by echo IVRT response. The clinical response is slow at first and gains momentum through 6 months and then slows down with a slow upward trajectory through 12 months and appears to plateau at 12 months or sooner unless you get a second round or perhaps a third round to optimize the response trajectory.
This issue also discusses the interesting temporal relationship between low birth weight babies, diastolic heart failure in the elderly and the surge of CFS cases since the mid-1980's through 2005. The concept of compensated diastolic heart failure seen in a few middle-aged CFS cases is discussed as distinct from diastolic dysfunction which is seen in almost all CFS cases (>97%).
Hi Calzy,
Thanks for the info. I would consider it if I knew more about it and could beg, borrow, or steal....oh OK, beg and borrow the money to do it. I am not highly concerned about the clinic being outside of the US. I can't imagine that Cheney would be using it if it was set up in someone's garage.I have managed to lose 19+ years of my life in this country with almost no help at all from our medical system.- Maxine
WHO rates health care in Costa Rica one step above that of the US, which, if I remember right was 17 or 19 in the world.
Hi Calzy,
Thanks for the info. I would consider it if I knew more about it and could beg, borrow, or steal....oh OK, beg and borrow the money to do it. I am not highly concerned about the clinic being outside of the US. I can't imagine that Cheney would be using it if it was set up in someone's garage.I have managed to lose 19+ years of my life in this country with almost no help at all from our medical system.- Maxine
WHO rates health care in Costa Rica one step above that of the US, which, if I remember right was 17 or 19 in the world.
Hi oerganix,
Actually they are rated 36th & 37th in the world. Costa Rica being 36th.
Sad state of affairs.
Thanks for reminding me?
Dr.Cheney's latest newsletter just came out and it talks about his work with stem cells.
It would be more appropriate to call it "full remission" rather than "cure", especially if the cause is a retrovirus you can never get rid of.For one, I was under the impression that Cheney had treated quite a bit more than just 13 people with stem cells. Secondly, what does he mean by "the second cure so far"? How on in the heck can he determine if someone has been "cured" or not? Seems a bit outrageous.