Hey all! Just wanted to let you know I made it to Panama alive (...though not entirely unscathed.)
For those who only care about the stem cell therapy, you may want to skip over this post as I'm just going to briefly (lol, lightly proofreading this now; sorry, clearly that didn't turn out to be the case) describe my experience traveling. First SC infusion is Tuesday.
Made it to the hotel by about 12am (Panamanian time - which is only an hour behind where I live, so thankfully obviously not much jet lag.)
Compression socks are a must if you have moderate-severe POTS (I'd reccommend them even to those who have a mild case.) Those were awesome. Also helped that I had 3 seats to myself to lay across on my 5 and a half hour+ flight from Newark, NJ to Panama.
The G-Force's were bad. Like, terrible sensation on my every part of my body. My heart and brain were especially affected. It took like an hour and a half just to reach max altitude on our Newark-Panama flight. Felt like I was on a roller coaster decline that whole time. Not fun. And when the plane stopped, it hit me like a ton of bricks and I felt like... urgh... can't even think of the words to describe it.
Worst part of the entire trip was by far the flight to Newark. Newark's airport in my experience is a giant POS. They are not wheelchair or handicap friendly as far as I can tell. Every worker we ran into spoke broken English and it was thus almost impossible to communicate with them. The plane from NY to NJ was dinky and didn't have an "Iron Chair" (thing that takes handicap persons down the isle to their seat.) So I had to do a lot of walking (something I have not done much of the past year and a half I've been bedridden... or even before that.)
Furthermore, I had to take a tram from one side of the airport to the other to get to my gate... not wheelchair accessible. Again, more much unneeded exertion. Oh, and I had to stand after passing through security while they wheeled around my wheelchair (took a few minutes.)
And keep in mind this was only the first leg of the trip. (Sorry for going all over the place, my brain is a mess right now.)
Anyway, woman who met us at the airport in Panama and the man who met us at our hotel (contractors for the Stem Cell Clinic) were very nice and accommodating. Ambulance that was supposed to pick me up and take me there (preplanned) came 20 minutes late. Not the clinic's fault but aggravating as hell.
I passed out as soon as I took my meds and got in my bed (about 12:30am). Got about 6 hours of sleep. My body feels like it had been tossed in a laundry drier and left to tumble for a few hours. :worried: I feel like hell... but according to the EMT's my vitals are good and I'm gonna be fine! LOL. (FML.)
Anywho, some of you may be like "wtf are you doing, GO REST!" I wish I could. Been trying all morning/afternoon. More worn down my body and fried my brain gets, the harder it is to rest or sleep. Hopefully the typically reported hypersomnolence will kick in some time after the infusions and will help with that.
Again, first infusion is Tuesday (blood is taken Monday - tomorrow.)
This may be my last update for now. I don't know how I will react to the infusions but obviously I should be resting after I start receiving them and who knows what kind shape I will be in. I can (try :Retro redface

to give a very brief update, perhaps with the aid of my old man. Otherwise, sometime if/when I get home I will try to let you all know I made it
back alive. Else, hopefully my pops can let you know my status somehow.
And then, if things go the way I think we all hope... obviously I will then be able to give a more detailed explanation of the treatment sometime in the future. Keep in mind, however, this may be months from now.
Well, keeping the hope. I appreciate everyone who has been supporting and looking out for me.
Good luck to anyone who may be going for SC treatment before I can report back. Obviously, I will do anything I can to alert people asap if something goes awry or seems amiss while I'm down here, but obviously those aren't my expectations (or else I sure as hell wouldn't be here putting myself through this agony! :tongue
Take care all,