By your statement above you think Peterson, Bateman, Klimas, Bell, Cheney, Enlander and on and on here in the states are "pursuing the psychological agenda " ?@Chickadee9
Only folk with "pure" ME have ME.
Folk with "CFS" have some undiagnosed problem that is not pure ME.
Yes, their troubles need investigated, for example, my friend had heart failure and needed a pacemaker, but got lost to the "CFS" label for 10 years.
Only folk with "pure" ME, the kind with PEM, the kind that are made worse by GET and CBT, have ME.
Anybody trying to submerge true ME under the CFS label is guilty of pursuing the psychological agenda.
And of ignoring the real problems folk with "CFS" have.
ie. the recommending of "no further testing" once the label has been stuck on somebody, is the problem there.
And the stupid assumption of; "if all the standard tests show nothing it is hysterical conversion disorder".
ETA: There is too much of a divide between the US and UK and other parts of the world.
What the UKers don't seem to get is that in the US these docs use the terms interchangeably But they use the CCC or ICC.
But when you try to divide it up like you have and diss CFS-- you diss the large lump of patients here in the US. I can't use the ICD code for ME for my disability and such.
I am stuck w/ the CDC's CFS. AND it is a BIG step in the US for the agencies to now use ME/CFS or CFS/ME. HUGE.
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