Well again Valentijn, our illness is very complex, does this mean that because our illness is complex that no one should experiment with all kinds of different protocols that could help?
Not when there's a realistic risk of harm. And considering the reactions a lot of ME patients here seem to get just from going more than two hours without eating, I'd think a fast would be something to approach with extreme caution. In that situation, any side effects should treated with serious respect, not brushed aside as somehow being a positive experience.
It's also a bit mystifying that someone would think deprivation of calories and nutrients would somehow be helpful with a debilitating illness. It certainly has never been shown scientifically to be of any benefit to ME patients, and I doubt there's much (if any) research showing benefit in other illnesses.
How many CFS sufferers have experienced side effects from the Methylation protocols? Does this mean no one should attempt those protocols because some have suffered side effects complications?
Rather few. There are a bunch of other people in the B12 subforum who try the protocol or specifically joint the forum to post regarding the problems they are having with it. At any event, anyone telling them to push through nasty symptoms is likely to get a telling off. Suggestions on compensating for or avoiding problematic symptoms is common, however: take potassium, switch B12 forms, take some B3, etc etc. No one's telling anyone to ignore negative symptoms, and if you do see someone doing that you should probably flag their post.
Don't we all take chances when we try any protocol or put any supplement in our bodies? By your logic none of us should try anything or decide to 'push through' any uncomfortableness or side effect when that's not whats actually happening.
Intelligent chances, I'd like to think. Weighing the risks (usually tiny, for supplements) versus benefits (variable). A fast involves high risk for no likely benefit. That's a mixture of desperation and ignorance, not "taking a chance".
People are pushing through everyday with their protocols, tweaking them, experimenting and often pushing through using their own judgment. Many of us are doing exactly what you are suggesting they not do , they are 'sticking it out' using their own judgement.
And how exactly would you meaningfully tweak a fast? Drink more water? Stop fasting?
Should we all consult a physician to advise us everytime whether we should continue to move forward with a protocol or not? You have such great faith in physicians, most of which dont know anything about our illness. In most cases we are on our own with this illness and often know more than our doctors about it.
Yes, we should consult a doctor when doing something with a relatively high risk involved for very sick people. Sound medical judgement regarding a fast doesn't require special knowledge of ME beyond that it is a debilitating disease with an intense metabolic component.
Who is advocating pushing through in this particular case? Im pushing through a very common side effect in my own case. I am not advocating in a thread where someone else is fasting to push through in their fast am I? No Im not.
You seem to be advocating that it's safe for ME patients in general to push through symptoms triggered by a fast. Or are you a special case somehow?