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starting cycloferron


iherb 10% discount code OPA989,
australia (brisbane)
I have been maintaining a reasonable level of function since restarting cyclo. I think my down hill spiral at the beginning of the year was because i wasnt on cyclo. I think its been almost 2 months since being back on cyclo. My family came down with flu type symptoms and i only recently started getting the sore throat and the sniffles but i added the cyclo tablets and herbal immune supps, echinacea and i think i minimised the infection, nipped it in the bud. But also cutting back on work and my sleep has sort of settled which has also helped. Still on the famvir too.


iherb 10% discount code OPA989,
australia (brisbane)
Hey Heapsreal I ordered the cycloferon injection ampoules a couple days ago. And now I am patiently (actually impatiently) awaiting their arrival. I requested fast shipping so hopefully I will not have to wait long.

I do have one question. Why is it that the injection works for you but the tablets do not? I'm just wondering how much of a difference it would make to inject cycloferon as opposed to taking pills. How would you describe the difference between the two in terms of effectiveness?

Meanwhile, I'm relaxing comfortably on my couch. :sofa: Just wish I had a bit more energy!

Hi onlyindreams,

have you recieved your cyclo order, how are u going on it, hopefully feel better??

canadian in need

I'm loving this thread, would anyone be able to tell me if cycloferon is allowed in Canada? I'm in desperate need of something like this to add to my valtrex regime. Thank you everyone for all the valuable knowledge.


iherb 10% discount code OPA989,
australia (brisbane)
I'm loving this thread, would anyone be able to tell me if cycloferon is allowed in Canada? I'm in desperate need of something like this to add to my valtrex regime. Thank you everyone for all the valuable knowledge.

hi, i dont need a script for this in australia, if anything is ever seized by customs they just give you a warning letter, unless its large quantities of restricted drugs which this isnt.
this is where i get my cyclo from http://www.drugspro.org/skin-problems/cycloferon.html I ahvent had any problems with them, they have been a good company to deal with.shipping can be abit slow like upto 4 weeks but that couldbe from shipping to australia too.



Senior Member
great stuff heapsreal. I'm thinking of adding this to famvir as well for the modulation of cytokines. I was wondering: how are you injecting this? Through IV? IM?
Heaps, thank you for your response. The information you have provided to everyone throughout this thread is invaluable. I contacted drugspro, and they told me they have a tough time shipping to Canada, especially the tablets. I will be contacting Canada Customs to see what they say. Also, I was thinking I would just order one for the time being, and if it gets intercepted at Customs, it wouldn't be a huge loss. As far as cycloferon goes, how long do you want to take it for long term, 1 year, 2 years, or longer?


iherb 10% discount code OPA989,
australia (brisbane)
Heaps, thank you for your response. The information you have provided to everyone throughout this thread is invaluable. I contacted drugspro, and they told me they have a tough time shipping to Canada, especially the tablets. I will be contacting Canada Customs to see what they say. Also, I was thinking I would just order one for the time being, and if it gets intercepted at Customs, it wouldn't be a huge loss. As far as cycloferon goes, how long do you want to take it for long term, 1 year, 2 years, or longer?

Glad this thread has helped. As for how long i will use it for, until im recovered so probably forever but its used in cycles of a few weeks on and a few weeks off. Have to gauge it yourself through personal experience.



Senior Member
Hi heaps,

I was just reading this http://www.liebertonline.com/doi/pdf/10.1089/107999001750069926 and I was wondering what made you choose cycloferon over amixin when you first started. On pg 68 (and the graph on pg 67) it says amixin stimulates IFN mostly in T cells whereas cycloferon induces IFN in B cells and macrophages. This made me think in fact that wouldn't it be ideal to take both? Any thoughts???

Thanks so much.


Senior Member
I have already tried Amixin and arbidol, and I was fine with these; I am still waiting for my cycloferon to arrive, so I am not sure whether I will experience nasty side effects from cycloferon.

Hi Hip, how did amixin help you? Did you not feel that it was doing enough, and therefore ordered the cycloferon?

Thank you!!!


Senior Member
if anyone's interested I just started amixin, 125mg x 2/day according to the dosing table someone posted here before... sorry can't find the link... will repost it when i find it.


iherb 10% discount code OPA989,
australia (brisbane)
if anyone's interested I just started amixin, 125mg x 2/day according to the dosing table someone posted here before... sorry can't find the link... will repost it when i find it.

cool, keep us posted on how u do. Maybe start another thread on amixin so people will notice u are using amixin, when it gets mixed into another thread it can go unnoticed. Also post abit more info on it so others know what it is. hope it works for you.



Senior Member
Hi, just wanted to say got an email fr drugspro (which i missed as it went to my spam folder for some reason) saying a month after I made the order for cyclo, they don't know where my order is because there is some problem with it crossing Ukrainian customs or some such. So for at least maybe another four weeks I won't be getting the cyclo. Thanks heapsreal for the idea of starting a new thread on amixin, i just got off the plane from coming home to H.K. from the trip to Europe (to see de Meirleir) so will do that soon. FWIW, I attended Dr Enlander's talk in London the day I flew and tried to ask him quite persistently about IFN inducers, but he wasn't keen overall and cited work he did quite some years back adding alpha, beta and delta IFN to patients and saw no results, and he said on that basis he saw no difference btwn direct admin of IFN and inducing the body to make it with cyclo. He just didn't seem to think it was a thing worth looking into (but thanks to heapsreal's testimonies, i'm still gonna go ahead and try it).


Senior Member
I'd be curious to hear why Enlander thinks IFN inducers don't work yet ampligen does.


Senior Member
I wanted to ask him on that. He gave me kind of a blanket statement that no one knows EXACTLY how ampligen really works so he didn't seem to want to address Hemispherx's claim that amp works as a "second generation" interferon.


Senior Member
if anyone's interested I just started amixin, 125mg x 2/day according to the dosing table someone posted here before... sorry can't find the link... will repost it when i find it.

Hi vli,

Are you taking amixin under the guidance of KDM or Enlander?


Senior Member
no I'm not (well Enlander basically told me he doesn't really believe in that particular treatment/wouldn't look into it).
Thanks for the info heapsreal:

What dosage of Famvir are you taking?

Do you find you get the "die-off" reaction? or whatever you want to call it? Has anyone found a pharmaceutical company that has characterized these "die-off" rections neurochemically?

For example, if you search "Herxheirmer" in the bacterial literature, you will find clinicians who have shown that certain

cytochines increase or decrease with the Herxheimer reaction (die-off) but I haven't found anyone who has published on this with respect to the viral literature, and thus it makes me suspect of it. If anyone has more information, I'd be very interested! Thanks!


i am going to my new dr on thursday. i am hoping he will do all the virus blood work for me and give me famvir. wonder how much it is? it seems less expensive than valcyt but some say less

wanted to know what dose to ask for to start with. what mg, how many per day, how often a day.

i also want to order the cycloferron (sp) from russia. can you tell me how many doses in a vile? how many viles should i order? do i tell my dr i am doing this as well? where do i get the needles and what size. i have to try something, just too sick, have been in bed and in pain for too long now.

any help so greatly appreciated



iherb 10% discount code OPA989,
australia (brisbane)

i am going to my new dr on thursday. i am hoping he will do all the virus blood work for me and give me famvir. wonder how much it is? it seems less expensive than valcyt but some say less

wanted to know what dose to ask for to start with. what mg, how many per day, how often a day.

i also want to order the cycloferron (sp) from russia. can you tell me how many doses in a vile? how many viles should i order? do i tell my dr i am doing this as well? where do i get the needles and what size. i have to try something, just too sick, have been in bed and in pain for too long now.

any help so greatly appreciated

hi Danel(spelt right this time)

I took 250mg famvir twice a day but ordered 500mg tabs and cut in half, this was cheaper then ordering the same amount in 250mg tabs, others have used alot higher doses like 500mg 3 times a day. In australia where i am from insurance etc doesnt cover antivirals for this purpose, i ordered my famvir from online pharmacy, if u need to know where i got it from i can let u know. I payed $150 for 60x500mg tabs, so it lasts me 2 months.

cyclo i think comes in 5 ampoule packs and i used it twice a week in a mon/thurs schedule, i just use to order 5 packs of 5 ampoules, can take a month before u get your order. As for mentioning this to your doctor, thats up to you but he probably wouldnt have a clue about it, unless he is pro cfs, he probably wont be interested in it anyway. I would start with just famvir and give it a couple of months to judge how you feel and then maybe add the cyclo, this way you can tell how both are working. I felt better with cyclo but some did feel worse with their immune system being upregulated.
