Starting Copaxone

I‘m sorry. Really thought I have already answered. The standard UDx Core is 1500$ (including brief statement), UDx extended is 2500$ and UDx Complete is 5000$ (full scale biochemical interpretation including telephone consultation).
No problem. :)
Did you know the details of the brief statement in the standard UDx core (e.g. only the print out or some explanation as well?). What is the difference compared to the UDx extend?
No, to find out more would have been the next step. But they told us that you can order the standard one and after you get the results there is still the possibility to upgrade to the extended or complete UDx
Martin is in hospital and gets a stomach tube tomorrow due to his ongoing problem to swallow liquid. In the last days he was a little bit more vital because he wasn‘t forced to use his energy for swallowing. We hope that the stomach tube helps him to get more energy in the next days...


Senior Member
Martin is in hospital and gets a stomach tube tomorrow due to his ongoing problem to swallow liquid. In the last days he was a little bit more vital because he wasn‘t forced to use his energy for swallowing. We hope that the stomach tube helps him to get more energy in the next days...

I so hope things get better for Martin!
Is he still on copaxone?
Martin is still in hospital. Docs are figuring out if a stomach tube is necessary. Fortunately there is one doctor who is very interested in Martins situation. We give her all those studies and background information. I hope he can participate here again very soon.

@Yuno No, Martin stopped taking copaxone when he had to go to hospital. Unfortunately there was no positive effect in those ~5 to 6 weeks


Oh poor Martin. I’m so, so sorry he keeps deteriorating. So glad there is an interested doctor.. its so important to not feel abandoned, for him and for all of you. How is he coping with noise of the hospital etc? I just saw Ron Davis say that once they had Whitney put in a TB isolation room, for quiet and less stimulation.
Does Martin have bad noise and light sensitivity? I find noise cancelling headphones and an eye mask to be a necessity in situations like hospital. Do the staff know to not bother him too much? Sometimes when severe, just knowing other people are around is stressful.
The hospital is at the same time stressful and helpful. Of course the noise and light and so is a problem, but if you are in a quite room for months, the isolation is also a big problem. Generally the staff is aware of the situation but they are changing many times and you have to tell them how to behave again and again.
Currently it helps him that he doesn't have to swallow to much but to get everything in his venes. But thats no long-term solution