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SSDI attorney in Seattle area

Anyone know of a knowledgeable SSDI lawyer in Seattle or Washington State? I'm appealing the first denial of my disability claim by myself, but assuming they will deny me again and will need help.


Senior Member
Montana, USA
FYI, you don't need to get somebody local, unless you really want to. I do everything via phone, email, and internet. I'm using Social Security Disability Advisors out of Salt Lake City, Utah, who I hired after my first denial, although I live in Montana. Jennifer Al-Hamad has been an excellent case manager. Sam Larsen is my representative, who is experienced. He has been winning cases with Long COVID, but we have gone for CFS. I'm very happy with him. I am currently waiting to hear back on a verdict from my online court date that he thinks went all right. We'll appeal that again if necessary.

But here is another PR thread where you can find SSDI lawyer recommendations: https://forums.phoenixrising.me/thr...sability-ssdi-lawyer-recommendation-us.81392/

Best wishes to you on your SSDI case!


Senior Member
Thanks @Faith2007 and @SnappingTurtle :)
So if you have a hearing, it's online? I just assumed it would be in person. And your attorney doesn't have to be licensed in your state? If that's the case, Moselle looks good.
Yes, Faith2007 is correct. SSDI and SSI are federal programs, so a qualified disability lawyer from any state in the U.S. can help you with your disability application, appeals, and hearings.
I have no experience with hearings, since I luckily got my claim approved immediately. I believe what worked was: great supporting letter from my ME specialist, concrete evidence from 2 day CPET and brain QEEG. I didn't use Moselle, but got great initial advice from them during the first consult. I hired a local Georgia firm as a just in case and only because my long term disability policy pays for it anyway.
Good luck! I know it is all very stressful. If you haven't already, check out this site which helped demystify the process for me: https://howtogeton.wordpress.com/social-security-disability/
Yes, Faith2007 is correct. SSDI and SSI are federal programs, so a qualified disability lawyer from any state in the U.S. can help you with your disability application, appeals, and hearings.
I have no experience with hearings, since I luckily got my claim approved immediately. I believe what worked was: great supporting letter from my ME specialist, concrete evidence from 2 day CPET and brain QEEG. I didn't use Moselle, but got great initial advice from them during the first consult. I hired a local Georgia firm as a just in case and only because my long term disability policy pays for it anyway.
Good luck! I know it is all very stressful. If you haven't already, check out this site which helped demystify the process for me: https://howtogeton.wordpress.com/social-security-disability/
Thanks @SnappingTurtle 😊