I'm still wanting to take on some guest's in
My new building:
Liability issues and insurance are the problem. The housing is potentially a fire hazard. I didn't think that was as big of an issue as it is until I was reading about hexayurts made out of styrofoam and came on this:
So the only way I can think of to circumvent this is to buy 4x8 sheets of metal and panel the entire inside of my building. Which would be labor intensive and pricey. Then I have to get homeowners ins. And I'm sure there would still be other important issues I would have to address.
So I'm thinking maybe the only way to realize my dream is to create a temporary desert community on BLM land.
Create a bunch of hexayurts to live in:
There are instructional videos on how to make them in a way where you could fold them and put them on the roof of your car for transportation.
Which for a couple of weeks might be tenable. But long term asking somebody who is sick to try to live this way is a tall order. You would have to be on the higher functioning end of the spectrum to be able to do it. Or have an assistant who isn't sick and can take on all the chores that would need to be done to make something like this happen.
Than you have issues like rain and cold and heat. What your going to put the hexayurt on. IE some type of plastic underlayment to keep the sand out.
Cooking, cleaning, access to toilet and shower.
Finances. Most people can't afford an excursion like this.
My main justification for living in the desert is that I am in a remote area so I can get away with a lot of code issues you cant in the city. And that it doesn't rain often so I don't have to worry about humidity and water intrusion into my building as much as I would otherwise.
But when building materials do get wet mold grows just as fast out here if not faster than back east.
I suspect if I had the same amenities back east as I have here I might do as well but don't really know for sure. I've stayed at my dad's place in NC outside in my trailer but the house next to it is moldy and is a huge confounder. As is the travel trailer which I have to stay in.