Social anxiety is a really weird one: it manifests as an unduly deep concern about how other people judge your words or actions.
I hope it is ok if I put thispost not to the original thread but to this one where it fits better content-wise. So I just wanted to share these:
I had just this combination (social anxiety and anhedonia) as a child. Anhedonia was so bad that when I worked damn hard to win a good price at a math championship (7th position allover the country, yeah
) I wondered myself why I am not happy at all, like others, just neutral. Socialanxiety so bad that I had no friend at all. Zero.
The following worked for me for a complete resolution.
- I started writing down my feelings every day. First I was unable to write down anything at all. Just nothing came. I tried 3x per day. As a replacement, I wrote down things I wanted or just anything that came to my mind
- my first love (interestingly, I was capable of that, though mostly it was bodily for me) got my social confidence a bit better
- CBT: I discovered with the help of a shrink that I have seen a particular type of people as enemies threathening me. - these were just the most vivid, fun and strong people. From the shrink I also learned how thoughts cause emotions of anxiety even if I do not notice the connection, but itnis there. so I could start not thinking these thoughts. kinda "mental hygiene"
- and then the big big change: I tried the medication against kryptopyrolluria. it is a high dosage of P5P, zink and sthg else. Name: depyrrol. Sold by a Dr in the Netherlands. Now, I do not believe in kryptopyrroluria. I think the concept is scientificallynot sound. But the medication helped. Dramatically It was exactly as they described it: First day fully depressive. Next day the heaven on earth: the first time in my life, I had real emotions of happiness. So intensively as others talked about it. I was fascinated. It is like noticing only if it is light or dark when your eyes are losed versus seeing when they are open. Or a white-black picture turns into colorful. Since then everything changed. The medication did not do anything any further. I stopped it and retained mostof the benefit. though not as intensive as on tge first day. Since then things were really pleasurable. With CBT I was able to do things with people. After this I deeply enjoyed it and had many msny friends.
- My emotions continued to refine. Beforeall this I had known mostly fear. After all this I had happiness and others. But over the years the differences became more nuanced. Like your smartphone has billions of colours
Wish you all the same!!!
It is a new life.