Slow Transit Constipation...... no pain just no movement


Senior Member
Another cause of slow motility could be excess production of nitric oxide (NO) in the gut.

This can happen when there's inflammation from infections. Enterobacterial infections tend to cause increased NO production.

Sometimes motility can worsen after antibiotics because only certain bacteria are inhibited,allowing others to grow more.

This seemed to happen to me, and I've been taking goldenseal tincture, then berberine to inhibit suspected enterobacteria. Better now.


Senior Member
Brisbane, Australia


Senior Member
Northern California
Thanks for the link and the info. Am going to stay away from GI docs for now...


P.s. Edited for PUI, posting under the influence, or AP, ambien posting
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Senior Member
I don't have gastroparesis that is a stomsch issue.

I tried alpha gpc and huperzine didn't work.

I do coffee enemas 2x a day. Seems to have a parasympathetic effect through an un-discovered mechanism


Senior Member
I've been drinking smoothies for the past week - 3 cups of it is fruit and vegetables, 2 cups is water - and on day 2
I had my first normal bm in months. I'm not taking magnesium or vitamin c at the moment as they stopped working, so these results could only be from the drink.


Senior Member
I've been drinking smoothies for the past week - 3 cups of it is fruit and vegetables, 2 cups is water - and on day 2
I had my first normal bm in months. I'm not taking magnesium or vitamin c at the moment as they stopped working, so these results could only be from the drink.

Is that all your food intake? Or are you also eating solids?


Senior Member
Is that all your food intake? Or are you also eating solids?

Oh, sorry about that. I'm temporarily eating mostly smoothies, protein, and cooked vegetables. It's a seasonal re-set, and is a lot more fruit/vegetables than normal. I like the effect on my digestion so much that I'm going to keep smoothies central to my diet.


Senior Member
Oh, sorry about that. I'm temporarily eating mostly smoothies, protein, and cooked vegetables. It's a seasonal re-set, and is a lot more fruit/vegetables than normal. I like the effect on my digestion so much that I'm going to keep smoothies central to my diet.

That's a very good diet...I have been dealing with small intestine overgrowth (I think mine is fungus, not sure) for a while now, and this has inhibited my digestion for years now. I don't know what the original cause is, but I was taking doxycycline for lyme, then I started digestive issues, so maybe fungus took over.

I used to have trouble with carbs (bloating, brain fog, etc) until a bad toxic mold exposure changed my biome.

Rambling, sorry...

My constipation goes away if I'm in a really clean environment, free of any dietary restrictions (especially free of the toxin that really bothers me), but that is a very rare occurrence. Resistant starch seems to help, but unfortunately I recently became infected with worms after eating (cooked) sushi, which I don't think would have happened had my digestion been working better.
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Senior Member
Oh, sorry about that. I'm temporarily eating mostly smoothies, protein, and cooked vegetables. It's a seasonal re-set, and is a lot more fruit/vegetables than normal. I like the effect on my digestion so much that I'm going to keep smoothies central to my diet.
Oh, sorry about that. I'm temporarily eating mostly smoothies, protein, and cooked vegetables. It's a seasonal re-set, and is a lot more fruit/vegetables than normal. I like the effect on my digestion so much that I'm going to keep smoothies central to my diet.

What do you think is the main reason for the normal BM? Did you cut out stuff like gluten or dairy?


Senior Member
What do you think is the main reason for the normal BM? Did you cut out stuff like gluten or dairy?

I cut out gluten and dairy a long time ago, and was already grain-free before moving to smoothies. I think the normal transit time and normal bms are from the quantity of fruits and vegetables. I don't think it's just the fiber, because I've played with fiber in the past.

I used to have to take magnesium for restless legs at night. I haven't taken vitamins or minerals in 2 weeks, and the RLS is gone. Since I was also taking magnesium for slow bowel transit time, this is probably relevant.


Senior Member
I cut out gluten and dairy a long time ago, and was already grain-free before moving to smoothies. I think the normal transit time and normal bms are from the quantity of fruits and vegetables. I don't think it's just the fiber, because I've played with fiber in the past.

I used to have to take magnesium for restless legs at night. I haven't taken vitamins or minerals in 2 weeks, and the RLS is gone. Since I was also taking magnesium for slow bowel transit time, this is probably relevant. bowels were working best when I was doing a combo of RS, lots of cooked veggies, and methylation supplements...wish I had stayed on that course :|


J'aime nager dans le froid style Wim Hof.. 🏊‍♀️🙃
for good transit:
apart from eating a lot of cooked or raw veggies (whichever one tolerates best), my strongest method is:

chew a small part of a fresh leaf of absynth.
within 5 or 30 min, I always feel how my belly gets to work, and a bit later there is often stool. Or, if not, then a second round does the trick.

The plant from which the infamous drink is made is actually very healthy and an excellent digestive aid. You could try drinking the herbal tea, but that is in my experience weaker and it causes in many people an intensive headache, so in me. Interestingly, munching a green leaf of the plant itself does not cause headache in me (1 or 2 times in a year I could not exclude that it may have caused or contributed to a mild headache, but could be other causes, too).

You wont be able to find this herb at the next garden shop, probably. Rarely, in a very well assorted large garden mall one could get it, that is where I found it. If I didn't find it, I would have ordered seeds by mail.

Having said all this, I almost never need absynth, because my huge intake of veggies prevents any constipation, inspite of eating a ketogenic low carb diet , which is the invitation to constipation itself. Still, I have a beautiful plant on my balcony, and in winter indoors, it survives somehow, though not well, and keeps producing fresh leaf.

I just ruined my digestion with some experiments, so I needed to see my absynth plant on my balcony, better than any doctor :)

One more thing: This plant is the strongest bitter I know of. You will want to eat no more than a tiny pice of a leaf. That does the trick. But if you don't like bitters, then no one will be able to convince you to munch any leaves from this king of all bitters on earth... :D:D
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