Hi, If you've read alot of my threads u probably know insomnia is one on my worst symptoms. I have taken everything and it seems i build up a tolerance to sleep meds quite quickly. Im at a stage where nothing is working any more and im thinking of doing a slow taper off sleep meds with valium as it has a longer half life and is said to be easier to come off.
I just dont know if i have an addiction or tolerence to sleep meds or is it just cfs causing my dysfunctional sleep or lack of. Has anyone ever tapered of their sleep meds and regained there normal sleep ability or is this dysfunctional sleep just where cfs is hitting me hardest. My current dose of sleep meds i dont think is high, valium at 10mg, mogadon at 10mg, imovane between 7.5 and 15mg, i dont take these meds all at once but juggle bewteen them with some nights being benzo free and using antihistamines , sedating antidepressants or seroquel, but basically cant sleep without taking something. example the other night i actual felt sleepy tired and went to bed at 1030pm and woke up at 1130pm, one whole hour. I sat up for awhile, reading surfing the net etc and at 230am gave up and took 2 imovane to get some sleep. This was a good night because i actually fell asleep without any meds. Most nights i just cant sleep at all till i take something, i have even lost my ability to nap through the day even when feeling tired.
Its a strange feeling because i dont feel anxious or worry excessively about trying to sleep, actually my mind just wonders aimlessly thinking about nothing in general. Do others feel this way? Its now 2am here and ive had half hour of sleep and dont feel at all sleepy, i have to wake up at 530am to get ready for work and do a 10 hr shift, this is not uncommon for me. I f i could sleep normally my energy levels would be greatly improved. I have had a sleep study and all they seem interested in is sleep apnea, which they didnt find because i slept a total of 20min stage 2 sleep.
Thanks for listening to my rant, any advice appreciated.