Well, I am hoping these posts help to answer you question about the reaction of the ME/CFS community in the UK regarding Mr. Wessley and the psychiatric model.
They certainly do, and if I can stand back for just a minute, given that I'm a sufferer and had never heard of Simon Wessley until reading this thread I'll give you my impressions.
There are a lot of angry people out there, and I've not walked in their shoes so I'm not going to dispute that condition, I've been angry with doctors and I remain angry at our goverment, NHS, MRC, etc. etc. But anger has to be used constructively otherwise all it achieves is to alienate us from the main stream.
There are a few posts which I can't find coroberation on, there are many others suggesting that Wessley thinks all CFS sufferers have a mental condition.
I took the following from an earlier reply to my post and asked Simon Wessley if there were any truth in it because frankly I just found it unbeleivable -
From this thread (forget whom, picked this from the SW mail).
'However I would like you to know, also, that people in the UK with CFS regularly get sectioned and forcibly administered drugs which alter or damage their mental capacities. Some spend their lives in mental institutions. Once you are in one, and officially sectioned, it is a criminal offence to leave. This happens to many people who have had no blood tests whatsoever to verify if there is a physical explanation for their symptoms. Simon Wessley is the leader of the "psychiatric" lobby which has created this situation.'
His reply included this -
'People can of course get sectioned under the mental health act if they are
a) mentally ill
b) refusing treatment that is likely to help their condition
c) a danger to themselves or others
and they need to be all three'
(End SW)
I haven't tested the veracity of this against actual law, mainly because it doesn't strike me as unlikely but if anyone thinks this is a lie, or a bending of the truth please let me know.
Continuing in conversation with the man, probing for more of an insight, I was sent a PDF, don't know how to make it available, but if anybody wants it shout and I'll ask Simon Wessley to send me a link, he tells me everything is publically available so if you want to test that here's your chance.
The title was 'Diagnosis of psychiatric disorder in clinical evaluation of CFS'
Alicia Deale PhD, Simon Wessley MD.
It outlines the conditions, controls and other parameters for a study of CFS patients identified by GP's and or others as having a psycological basis for their illness, the results section included the following stats, and remember Wessley put his name to this -
Of 68 patients, 31 had been given a psychiatric diagnosis, (19 - GP, 7 - Hospital doctors, nurologists - 5). Of this group 21 were found to have been wrongly diagnosed.
Now forgive me if I'm wrong but you can't saddle a man who is reversing the diagnosis of others, in reference to CFS sufferers, away from mental illness as thinking we all have a mental condition.