I also have all these (except the ear pain) plus I occasionally have piercing pain in my heart and right arm and I have high cholesterol. I also have a family history full of heart disease.
I have had full examinations and all kinds of tests with a top cardiologist and he says everything is fine. I just take statins to lower my cholesterol.
Don't just base your condition on some symptoms you have to follow up with a specialist and tests.
I hope yu are aware that statins lower (use up or whatever) CoQ10 and CoQ10 is the antioxidant that protects the heart. Make sure you take it to replace what the statins get rid of.
I don't trust doctors -- examine all the labs yourself. Make sure you know what labs were ordered and what the results were and go online to check the results (lab reference ranges do NOT reflect health status...they only leave off the 5% outliers -- there is NO test that the people in the middle 90% are healthy.
So, if you have heart trouble in your family, you should check that you have had your homocysteine measured and what it is. It should be 6.3. For every 3 points higher yu have a 35% greater chance of stroke. If you are following Fredd's protocol correctly it will put your homocysteine to 6.3 or thereabouts. (If your homocysteine is lower than that you have different problems I am not sure how to solve). I do not know what Rich's protocol does with this because hydroxycobalamin is not the active form needed by the body so it would depend on whether or not your body can turn it into the active form (mine cannot).
You should also have a C reactive protein test. I do not know what the value should be nor how to lower it, but high is bad and it is a measure of inflammation. Mine is perfect and I attribute it to lifelong high dose antioxidants, which would be the first thing I would reach for to lower it. But you can research it if it shows itself to be an issue for you. Your doctor will look at cholesterol, but there are more tests than that required for heart health.
You can also look at your CoQ10 levels. I got mine measured via the Metametrix organix acids test and it showed my body was unable to do anything with ubiquinone so I switched to ubiquinol, the active form of CoQ10. I believe you can order a CoQ10 test all by itself, such as via
www.lef.org (blood tests). Or maybe at