patients? or family members? i got my dad to sign it...some people seem really excited ... i think others are still kinda in shock from the whole situation and just are too stunned to think in those terms - and i understand that... this is all very surreal.... unfortunately i feel that we must be proactive right now and those of that can need to be extra vigilant
... thx to everyone helping....
and please, if you can email / contact the staff and beg/plead them to get us a featured section ... let them know how much we would appreciate it
this could be a really good opportunity to make connections with their staff that could be valuable down the road!
IF anybody lives in Barbara Boxer's district, it would be great if you could call her about this... she should already be getting a lot of the petitions ... i can see weve been sending a lot there.. and i feel this is a message she would be open to... someone in her area is going to need to call her though and mention it.
i plan on calling Bill Nelson (FL) since i'm in his area.... if you could take the time to call the offices it would reinforce the impact of the emails...
as some of the areas get more petitions than others ill try to let people know what officials are getting a lot of the letters
If you have a website of blog... this is the code for the cool looking widgets....
<span id='change_BottomBar'><a id='change_Start' href='' target='_blank'><strong>Start a Petition »</strong></a></span><script type='text/JavaScript' src=''></script><script>change_setup('300', '30988', '#1A3563')</script>