A big thank you for the petition, judderwocky. Wow, all this and great pasta, too. Amazing!
:Sign Good Job:
A lot of political organizations run on the belief that every time a person contacts them it represents the thinking of a thousand constituents... so each person that signs something like this actually has a big impact.... this is a sort of figure that ive heard thrown around countless times... im gonna keep lifting the goal on it as we get more signatures... thanks to everyone that has signed it already!!!
Next step will be contacting the health comittees in senate and health specifically.... if you know anybody that lives in any of those districts... have them sign the petition if you can
US Senate Committee On Health Education Labor and Pension, Subcommittee on Health
Democrats by Rank
Tom Harkin (IA)
Christopher Dodd (CT)
Barbara A. Mikulski (MD)
Jeff Bingaman (NM)
Patty Murray (WA)
Jack Reed (RI)
Bernard Sanders (I) (VT)
Sherrod Brown (OH)
Robert P. Casey, Jr. (PA)
Kay Hagan (NC)
Jeff Merkley (OR)
Al Franken (MN)
Michael Bennet (CO)
Republicans by Rank
Michael B. Enzi (WY)
Judd Gregg (NH)
Lamar Alexander (TN)
Richard Burr (NC)
Johnny Isakson (GA)
John McCain (AZ)
Orrin G. Hatch (UT)
Lisa Murkowski (AK)
Tom Coburn, M.D. (OK)
Pat Roberts (KS)
Energy and Commerce, Subcommittee on health:
John D. Dingell, MI John Shimkus, IL, Ranking Member1
Bart Gordon, TN Ralph M. Hall, TX
Anna G. Eshoo, CA Ed Whitfield, KY
Eliot L. Engel, NY John B. Shadegg, AZ
Gene Green, TX Roy Blunt, MO
Diana DeGette, CO Steve Buyer, IN
Lois Capps, CA, Vice Chair Joseph R. Pitts, PA
Jan Schakowsky, IL Mike Rogers, MI
Tammy Baldwin, WI Sue Wilkins Myrick, NC
Mike Ross, AR John Sullivan, OK2
Anthony D. Weiner, NY Tim Murphy, PA
Jim Matheson, UT Michael C. Burgess, TX
Jane Harman, CA Marsha Blackburn, TN
Charles A. Gonzalez, TX Phil Gingrey, GA
John Barrow, GA Joe Barton, TX (ex officio)
Donna M. Christensen, VI
Kathy Castor, FL
John P. Sarbanes, MD
Christopher S. Murphy, CT
Zachary T. Space, OH
Betty Sutton, OH
Bruce L. Braley, IA
Henry A. Waxman, CA (ex officio)