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sign our petition : Dr. Uyttersprot wrongly penalized!

A Belgian specialist in the field of ME/CFS, dr. AM Uyttersprot is being fined for the prescription of (expensive) total parenteral nutrition (TPN) and immunoglobulins to ME/CFS-patients. She has to pay an incredible huge fine immediately.

It needs to be said that patients receiving these treatments feel better their immune system becomes better and patients can function at a higher level than before.

What's really unbelievable in all this is that dr. Uyttersprot followed all the Belgian rules.
For every patient she asked the advisory doctors (the "patient controllers" of the different Governmental Insurance companies in Belgium) permission to prescribe these drugs and she received their permission every tiime!

So, what did she do wrong? We dont understand who does?

We, her patients, feel better thanks to her treatment but now our doctor is punished because she's one of the few actually helping us. Its totally unfair we are furious that our doctor is wrongly and without any saying in the matter being penalized to an extent that could bankrupt her.

We URGENTLY ask your support by SIGNING THIS PETITION against the penalization of our doctor. We ask that in the future she will be allowed to treat her patients the same way she does now.
We want her monetary penalty to be remitted! She doesnt deserve this!
you can sign here : http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/steundokteruyttersprot/

We thank you for your support.
You would render our doctor and us, her patients, a great service by signing

In the name of all her patients
who can help us to support the belgian cfs-doctor Uyttersprot by signing the petition : http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/steundokteruyttersprot/
This doctor is fined for prescribing TPN and gammaglobulines to cfs/me-patients and has to pay a huge fine immediately.
But we (her patients) feel better with her treatement, our doctor is treating us correctly and she doesn't deserve this fine,
therefore we started this international petition,
it would be a great help if you would sign it!
thank you very much!!