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Sick-in Protest - Toronto Oct 6th - promo video


Stop the harm. Start the research and treatment.
Toronto, Canada
We are taking it to the streets!

Sick-in Protest this Thurs Oct 6th, downtown Toronto, Health Canada building, 180 Queen St. West, noon to 2pm.

We may be too sick to march and hold up protest signs, but at the Sick-in our sitting and laying down skills are our advantage in getting public and media attention.

Millions Missing Canada t-shirts, folding chairs, light weight protest signs to lean against our chairs, sidewalk chalk to outline laying bodies, posters, "I have ME, Ask me anything" space, Missing Since pics and stories, FAQs about ME handouts, documentary film maker and Facebook Live streaming. Oh yeah, and shoes!

Bring a pair of shoes, bring a friend, and share the video!

Participate in the noon to 2pm Toronto Protest for ME research funding and access to treatment at https://www.facebook.com/events/1120173071406359/

Watch the promo video:
Thank you Scott. I can't be there, unfortunately (housebound), but shoes and tag will be. I hope it goes well. People with M.E. have been ignored and dismissed in Canada for decades.


Stop the harm. Start the research and treatment.
Toronto, Canada

MEDIA ADVISORY FOR: Monday, October 4, 2016

CONTACT: MillionsMissingCanada@gmail.com

Scott Simpson 647-447-1818

10/04: Live Sick-In Protest to Support Patients Suffering from Myalgic Encephalomyelitis


Canada (October 4, 2016) – “We are too sick to march around and hold up protest signs, but we can bring our sickness to the streets for all to see,” says patient Scott Simpson, who is disabled by the neurological illness Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME). Patients, carers and their supporters will hold a “sick-in” demonstration to protest for Health Minister Jane Philpott to address the ME crisis with a national strategy.

The sick-in protest is led by members and supporters of the #MillionsMissing Canada advocacy movement and will be demonstrating this Thursday, October 6th at 180 Queen St. West in Toronto from noon to 2 p.m. Simpson says live streaming on Facebook will allow ME patients too sick to attend the live protest, to participate via the internet. Patients and volunteers have created a brief video to promote the “Sick-in” protest:

Simpson, who has suffered from Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME) for the past four years, has been one of the driving forces behind #MillionsMissing Canada’s movement of patients who are outraged over the continued lack of research funding and the promotion of inappropriate medical treatment. “400,000 Canadian ME patients are both excluded and harmed by the current health care system”, says Simpson who is advocating for public awareness and government intervention of the ME crisis.

Health Minister Jane Philpott has not acknowledged the virtual protests by ME patients, families and supporters in May, nor responded to the more than 7,000 emails they sent to her and other MPs during the September 27 virtual campaign. Simpson says that ME patients are now forced to take their “sickness to the streets”.

The goal is to secure a face-to-face meeting with Federal Minister of Health Dr. Jane Philpott to discuss a national strategy to address the dire state of research funding and health care for ME patients.

“How Health Minister Philpott can ignore the ME crisis is beyond baffling. With this sick-in protest, we are bringing public attention to the neglect and harm perpetuated by the health care system on ME patients. We are asking Minister Philpott to please help us. She is the only one who can stop the harm,” says Simpson.

ME symptoms are multi-system and often disabling, and include: unrelenting exhaustion, sensory overload, cognitive impairments, and muscle and joint pain. The World Health Organization classifies ME as a neurological illness. The cardinal symptom is post exertion neuroimmune exhaustion, meaning patients experience flu-like and neurological symptoms after minimal effort.

About 25% of ME patients are house or bed bound. There are no Health Canada-approved drugs to manage the disease and sufferers have a lower quality of life than patients with other chronic illnesses.

For more information on #MillionsMissing Canada’s “Sick-in” or to participate, visit https://www.facebook.com/events.

About #MillionsMissing:

#MillionsMissing is a global protest for ME rights. The #MillionsMissing are 20 million people worldwide missing from their lives because of Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (M.E), a debilitating and disabling neurological disease.

About #MillionsMissing Canada:

MillionsMissingCanada.ca is a grassroots movement fighting for a national strategy for ME including research funding and health care access for Myalgic Encephalomyelitis patients.

Note: Myalgic Encephalomyelitis is erroneously used by some interchangeably with the controversial term ‘chronic fatigue syndrome’ (CFS), a term not readily accepted within the ME community due to the misleading phrase and historically dismissive connotation.