This may very well be true, I simply don't know. However this has nothing to do with ancedotal reoprts but. the fact that a doctor recommended an unproven therapy to dodgy clinics. This says quite a lot and screams of unprofessionalism.
There might be a possibility he didn't profit but it also seems equally possible he did. Since we don't know, maybe this warrants investigation. I know that others doctors have but that may relate to clinics that now have unfortunately popped up in the stated.
Patients who were robbed of their money should file a class action suit. Even it's not specific to mecfs. Unfortunately, people may be hesitant to do this out of embarrassment or some other reason.
Just because Cheney has been involved thr in me/cfs community, it does not give him a free pass to advocate dubious practices that have not been proven and prey on patients vulnerabilities. I would say this about any doctor who's doing something like this.
Unfortunately, these doctors often believe in what they are doing, which makes things even more problematic.
I would hope that someone would look further into this. I have been saying this for years but action speaks louder than words. Maybe the time has come to do this?