should i pay $90,000 for stem cells?


Senior Member
He said stem cells can cure everything except Parkinson's. I asked what about Ebola and he said no

He had very trendy glasses on which made me like him, but also not trust him because what doctor pays that much money to look good

I feel a bit obligated to clarify some misinformation on this thread. I am not sure why you keep saying "cure" because they make no mention of curing anyone. Specifically, they say...

"We are aware of a lot of stories about marked improvement of a variety of conditions, but we make no claims about the intended treatment. We have submitted preliminary safety data to the FDA as part of an approval application which is under consideration. Still, these are your own cells and not “medicines” for sale. They are only being used in your own body. Most likely, no claim needs to be made; rather a statistical analysis of our findings would suffice to suggest whether treatments are truly and significantly effective."

"From our internal studies and data collection we can say that approximately 80% of the Lyme patients have improved to a point where they have a quality of life back and their symptoms have diminished to a point where they are able to manage to live a normal life."

The founder/medical director is a naturopathic doctor but there are at least two other MDs that work at each clinic. And again the price is not $90k - it is $25k.

Perhaps most importantly, why would you base any decision off someone's glasses??!


Senior Member
@trickthefox might be able to provide some input to this conversation because he had stem cells at Infusio:
Yep, certainly, there are a few other factors at play, im also rifing, using low dose naltrexone and using rifaximin for my gut, but I am going to the gym for the first time in 2 years.

I was what you call severe M.E., as on and off for years the most I was getting up daily was to go to the toilet, or possibly to the living room, so its a pretty big turn around


Rebel without a biscuit
A question you might want to ask is are there risks to having stem cell therapy and what are those risks. If a Dr does not bring this up for discussion then he/she is not doing his/her job.

From what I can gather there is at least the risk of tumour growth. There may even be unknown risks because the treatment is still new.

And if you go for treatment and come from the clinic immediately feeling better I'd suggest blaming it on the vitamin bag before reporting back here that the SC worked. Vitamin IV's have been known to give a temporary boost in feeling well as a number of people here on PR have commented here and there.


Rebel without a biscuit
Also, from the same thread where Trickthefox was quoted:

Stem cell treatments were a disaster when Cheney advocated them in 2010 or so. I'm aware of one guy (a former member here) who is still bedridden as a result of the treatments.


Senior Member
A question you might want to ask is are there risks to having stem cell therapy and what are those risks. If a Dr does not bring this up for discussion then he/she is not doing his/her job.

From what I can gather there is at least the risk of tumour growth. There may even be unknown risks because the treatment is still new

From the FAQ document I referenced earlier...

"Adult mesenchymal stem cells are not known to cause cancer. Some patients have heard of stories of cancer caused by stem cells, but these are probably related to the use of embryonic cells (Not Adult Mesenchymal Cells). These embryonic tumors known as teratomas are rare but possible occurrences when embryonic cells are used."


Senior Member
Hell no would be my answer. Hang on at least until next year at least when the Rituximab trial will be published.

It is worth reading these threads here before deciding on stem-cell treatment. A lot of people either made worse or got no benefit from treatment. And even in people who may have benefited it can be temporary (this was mentioned in relation to Cheney's patients).
One comment from that thread "I went and had Stem cell infusion both IV and Intratecal and can tell you it had no effect on my symptoms and after 45k spent out of pocket decided it was not worth it....What I found out was people were getting procedures done for free or a reduced cost if they would refer other patients so take what you read with skepticism"


Senior Member
Houston, TX USA
He said stem cells can cure everything except Parkinson's.

That's a screaming red flag if I ever saw one. Unless he has given stem cells to patients with the thousands of diseases other than Parkinson's and seen them be cured, his statement is ludicrous.

Stem cells can have horrific side effects. Three patients at a stem cell clinic in Florida nearly went blind after stem cell treatment.

Don't do it. Don't do it. And in case you didn't read, DON'T DO IT!


Senior Member
Thanks everyone for the feedback

@SB_1108 is right, $90k includes having it done 5 times with a discount

This is Philip Battiade the guy who runs it and has his name on it, does he make sense?

Im not sure why anyone would pay to have it done five times? Philip Battiade has said that once is typically enough. I know some people have gone twice including @trickthefox but I don't think that is common. The only reason I could imagine going multiple times is if it were to work really well but then you relapse (which I believe is what happened with Dr Cheney's patients).

It really concerns me to read patients putting all of their hope into Rituximab. There are patients committing suicide from the pain and suffering... so telling people to wait years for a drug that has preliminarily been shown to be beneficial only in a subset of patients is not reasonable. Maybe suramin will be an option but it's also years away. We have to continue being the guinea pigs and not put all of our eggs in one basket.

Jonathan Edwards

Thanks everyone for the feedback

@SB_1108 is right, $90k includes having it done 5 times with a discount

This is Philip Battiade the guy who runs it and has his name on it, does he make sense?

No, anyone could make up that garbage and most quacks do. This man has nothing whatever to do with medical science. I am actually quite surprised that anyone can take him seriously. Even he does not seem to take what he says seriously. He just makes it up as he goes along.

There is nothing scientific about taking some of your fat cells out and putting them back. These are not stem cells. Mr Battiade does not even know what stem cells are.


Senior Member
There is nothing scientific about taking some of your fat cells out and putting them back. These are not stem cells. Mr Battiade does not even know what stem cells are.

There doesn't seem to be any evidence I can provide to convince anyone that it COULD be a legitimate area of study. All I can say is there are numerous journal articles discussing the use of Autologous adipose-derived stromal vascular fraction in the management of various conditions and there are currently over 40 recruiting studies on SVF on clinical ranging from use in MS, fibromyalgia, rheumatoid arthritis and IBD.


Senior Member
I can't remember his screen name, but a young man named Ben, who used to post here long ago, was in really bad shape before trying Cheney's stem cell treatments. They only made him a lot worse. He's been completely bedridden for 5-6 years now. And I don't know if anyone improved, even microscopically, w/stem cells.

Here's a report done on Ben, I believe about six months to a year before he tried them:



Senior Member
In any treatment for ME/CFS that involves infusions, it's probably worthwhile to remember that Dr. David Bell found a high incidence of low blood volume (hypovolemia) in ME/CFS patients, and that an infusion of saline alone could significantly improve patients symptoms for about 24 hours. Blood transfusion also appeared to improve symptoms for a longer duration, but the improvement again proved temporary and could not be endlessly repeated. Dr. Bell's hypothesis is that the diameter of the blood vessels is being slightly constricted in ME/CFS, and that this constriction, applied to the entire vascular system, is enough to significantly reduce the total blood volume.

See Dr. Bell's article on this, here: