Should/could we get 5K votes for IACFS/ME and/or Nightangale votes in Vivint contest?


senior member
Concord, NH
Yes, but we are not going to get them by telling the people it's impossible ;-) No offense meant. Add the 130 or so National ME/FM voters and we would already be at around 3400. Now if we could win only 40 Phoenix Rising members more who vote daily for the IACFS/ME they would be over 4000 at the end. Voting 4 Grants has around 600 members, they should be able to give us these 1000 votes in 3 or 4 days, if they are willing to help. It's not sure we will make it, but it's certainly possible. Even if we don't make it, the 100'000$ for the WPI would be very nice already. But i think we should try to get something from this wildcard drawing as well. It would be great if the National ME/FM Action Network could now send out an email where they tell everybody to switch. I think helping the IACFS/ME is good for them too, because of the conference (and because the IACFS/ME help everybody with ME/CFS).

Not sure who you are referring to here, but I did not say it was impossible, just trying to say we need more people, otherwise it's not going to work!



senior member
Concord, NH
That's why i wouldn't ask them now, some people see such requests as some sort of "sabotage" attempt. But in case the IACFS/ME gets close to 5000, but not over the mark, we can try. I guess we will just have to see. Who knows, if the WPI looks like a sure winner, the WPI might even post a call to support the IACFS/ME on their own page in the last couple of days.
But yes, of course we have to try to get there without the uncertain help of other groups.

I already asked on Facebook XMRV News & Views:!/groups/XMRV.NewsAndViews/

Haven't seen any movemnet yet, we might want to start doing things now, to give people time to think about it and "study" the trend, we will likely not get many takers, so the soonner we do this, the more votes we are likely to get! And remember, some people are very limited in their exposure to everything, so the sooner we can get the word out, the better. WPI has 58,000+ votes, and the next nearest contender is Be Perfect Foundation with almost 15,000 votes, so the have a 43,000 vote lead in their region!

We only have about 2 weeks to get the vote out!




Senior Member
Switzerland/Spain (Valencia)
Yes, but in the last couple of days It Gets Better Project has had a number of strong days, with over 2000 votes on one day. I don't think WPI voters will be very willing to switch over at the moment.


Senior Member
The IACFS/ME has just written to its mailing list

The IACFS/ME has just written to its mailing list:

Dear Members and Colleagues,

As you may know a competition for funding to non-profit organizations sponsored by
Vivant will award as much as $25,000 to the organizations that receive the most votes from the public.

I've been told that IACFS/ME is receiving a fair number of votes (about 70/day) and so we may be in the running for some level of award. We need to get up to 235 votes a day from today on to get into the draw for the two prizes of $25,000.

I'm asking for your help in voting for the IACFS/ME. As you know funding is critical to maintain the services we provide including the biennial conferences, Bulletin and Newsletter, and the timely IACFS/ME Statements on important issues such as the PACE trial, and DSM-5 Somatic Symptom Disorder.

To vote, click on

Thank you.
Fred Friedberg, PhD

Pity it didn't mention the matching donations. Also, it doesn't mention about "liking" the Vivint page,


Senior Member
Switzerland/Spain (Valencia)
I think that's very good. Unfortunately they also got the number wrong, it should be 250'000$, for the main prize. With some luck, next time there is such a big event, like Vivint or CHASE, they might send out such an email right from the start. I realize these people have other jobs as well, but as Fred Friedberg says, funding is crucial and 250'000$ or 1'000'000$, like in CHASE, is very significant.


Senior Member
I think that's very good. Unfortunately they also got the number wrong, it should be 250'000$, for the main prize. With some luck, next time there is such a big event, like Vivint or CHASE, they might send out such an email right from the start. I realize these people have other jobs as well, but as Fred Friedberg says, funding is crucial and 250'000$ or 1'000'000$, like in CHASE, is very significant.
There is a possibility I might be partly to blame for them not sending a message out at the start: I wrote to them and told that they had no chance in winning a prize but that they should flag up the matching donation periods in things they send out. I didn't want the vote split unnecessarily - but I didn't know about the 5,000 votes getting entry into a competition at that stage (Vivint most likely hadn't decided it then - they probably only came up with it when they realised that all the charities wouldn't need full matching donations and so had spare money in their "pot").


Senior Member
Switzerland/Spain (Valencia)
Lol... Well, i think you were right, there was not much of a chance they would win if the WPI is also in the race. But if we have more voters or there is a contest where you have more than one daily vote (i think CHASE is like that) things are different.


senior member
Concord, NH
Lol... Well, i think you were right, there was not much of a chance they would win if the WPI is also in the race. But if we have more voters or there is a contest where you have more than one daily vote (i think CHASE is like that) things are different.

Hello Eric, not sure how active you are on other threads, but why not use a signature like Dolphins or mine?



Senior Member
Switzerland/Spain (Valencia)
Hello Eric, not sure how active you are on other threads, but why not use a signature like Dolphins or mine?

Hi GGingues, i like the Vivint signatures and think they are a good idea, but i already have a signature, so i kept this one. I don't show it on every post, especially not on small posts, because it takes quite some space and also i don't think it's necessary to show it on 2 or 3 posts that are very close to each other. If i could have 2 signatures and choose between the two, i would switch between a Vivint signature and mine from one post to the next.


senior member
Concord, NH
Hi GGingues, i like the Vivint signatures and think they are a good idea, but i already have a signature, so i kept this one. I don't show it on every post, especially not on small posts, because it takes quite some space and also i don't think it's necessary to show it on 2 or 3 posts that are very close to each other. If i could have 2 signatures and choose between the two, i would switch between a Vivint signature and mine from one post to the next.

Oh, Ihave read that signature before. Do you copy and paste it in and out, or is there a way to turn it off?


PS IACFS is almost at 900 votes. FYI