thanks, justin.
this was this reporter's first stab at covering ME/CFS. i guess as a result the article has a lot wrong with it, most glaringly:
- it touts CBT (again!!??? crap!)
- says that we are sick days/weeks. what the heck? i clearly explained (50 min interview), and i'm sure others interviewed did, too, that i have been very sick for 21 years. much of it homebound and bedridden. it is years/decades, not days/weeks.
- there was a quick dismissal of xmrv, tho i stressed that too in the interviews
- and finally, not one WPI quote, tho we hooked the reporter up with WPI.
but regardless of yet another incomplete, misleading article in the mass media, one that does not really explain the topic or our struggle, the demo itself was a HUGE success and i'll put out the write up (description) and video on it this weekend, once i've had a chance to get the footage from my mom (overnighted to me) and edited and posted on youtube!
even in the face of a bad article, some are suggesting we email it around and stuff, so that the newspaper sees that there is a big readership of this topic and thus will do another story in the near future. i think this reporter was interested and compassionate, and maybe we can teach her more about the real facts of our illness and the political situation.