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Severe Insomnia - 3 years - Mushrooms? Ketamine?

Florida Guy

Senior Member
Thanks. My son has tried CBD with THC for a decent period of time but it had no effect on his sleep. He has it very bad. Without Zopiclone he can go days on end without sleeping - not even napping in the day (Melatonin and anti-histamines also do nothing). Unfortunately, the Zopiclone does not provide quality sleep at all. He's decided to give Mirtazapine a go until we can source something else and perhaps some other things that we have yet to try
What works for me is plain thc, no cbd needed. In fact adding cbd seems to take away the sleepy effect, like they cancel each other out. I'm probably weird because most people like cbd. I have nothing against it but it does not help me sleep. I have zopiclone in my stash but I don't use it. Not only poor quality sleep but addiction and increased risk of dementia, according to some studies.

Mirtazapine I don't like but it works and gives low quality sleep which is better than no sleep for sure. No question about that. I am trialing phosphatidyl serine which I learned about in a thread by mary, I think it was. I read great things about it but I don't expect it to put me to sleep on its own, I'm a hard head. But, it should improve the quality of sleep I do get and that is important.

What did your son feel while on the cbd/thc? I would not give up on plain thc by itself. Maybe try some with the mirtazapine you plan to use and see if it makes a better feeling, and sleeping better? The feeling on mirt is kinda iffy, not something super pleasant. It takes time to see how he will do with various meds. I'm still trialing things because old stuff stops working or I want something better
Unfortunately without using some of them I have no ability to sleep - trying to wean off them now.
Thank you. Do you still use the Sinequan (Doxepin) and the Klonopin?
I know of someone who took mirtazapine for some time (18 months?) until sleep stabilised and then added LDN. Doing well now. Has yet to come off the Mirtazapine but now takes only a tiny dose (1/8th of a tablet).
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My son's been on the Mirtazapine for two nights. Feeling rubbish and still no sleep. I think we will try to add either Zopiclone or Klonopin just for the next night or two to help him get off to sleep. Anyone got any clues as to why one might choose one over the other? The Zopiclone works for my son so that would be the obvious choice but I keep hearing Klonopin recommended and we did get some from the doctor so have it on hand.


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My son's been on the Mirtazapine for two nights. Feeling rubbish and still no sleep. I think we will try to add either Zopiclone or Klonopin just for the next night or two to help him get off to sleep. Anyone got any clues as to why one might choose one over the other? The Zopiclone works for my son so that would be the obvious choice but I keep hearing Klonopin recommended and we did get some from the doctor so have it on hand.

I'd stick to zopiclone over klonopin. The Z drugs I think are better to help one fall asleep then traditional benzos and have a shorter half life, so less chance of next day grogginess and may slow down tolerance issues.