Hi, I know this thread is old, but I thought I'd post somethings I've gleaned from my experiences...
First, find a bio-compatible, mercury (Hg) free dentist. It is imperative for us to protect our damaged immune systems from toxins. Mercury amalgams (silver fillings) are extremely toxic, and leach into the surrounding tissue. Most of the mercury (a neurotoxin) ends up in the brain. It contributes to brain fog. Getting mercury amalgams removed can improve recovery, though it must be done extremely carefully. Only a "Hg free Dentist" is qualified to do it on us.
Next, all anesthesia are toxic. Muscle test for the least toxic for your system. My Dentist (Hg free, bio-compatible & fragrance free) uses less than 1/3 the normal dose with one drop of epinephrine to hold it.
Muscle test all the materials that will be used on or around you.
Glyphosate (round-up) is used on all GMO crops and many conventional crops like peas, beans and grains to desiccate before harvest. That means the seed absorbs the maximum amount of the pesticide. Its also used on cane sugar. This is relevant to the dental issue because glyphosate is a chelator. Is leaches the minerals from your bones and teeth. i.e
it dissolves your enamel! I discovered this when a farmer applied directly across from my house. I left before he applied, and returned after 10 days. In the next 2 weeks following my return I developed 6 gum line cavities the size of #2 pencil erasers. After finding a dentist, we discovered they encompassed more than 50% of the whole root as well. I followed the "Cure Tooth Decay Naturally" protocol until we worked through establishing a safe procedure for me. My Dentist noted that I was indeed regrowing my dentin/enamel. He wasn't a believer before our encounter. Of course my cavities were too big to not restore with composite fillings, due to structural issues. He used a 'glass,' not plastic composite. It was 6 months before we got them all closed up. Butter, fish oil, manuka honey, salt water and essential oil wash kept the infection at bay.
"Glyphosate is 1000x more toxic than DDT" Professor Emeritus Don Huber, PhD Plant Pathologist, Purdue University.
Eat only organic grains, peas, beans, cane sugar or crops that have GMO varieties.[/QUOTE
I was glad to see this post and will re-read it tomorrow (it's late) because I'm about to have dental work and am nervous. I suddenly got 3 cavities in the space of 3 months. I'm interested in so many things you said. And I realized I must ask my dentist (who IS holistic) exactly what kind of anesthesia he uses. ...