I started selenium today, only around 70mg. I have had anxiety, derealization, and a complete worsening of my sexual dysfunction caused by my postdrug condition.
Is it possible the selenium makes my liver detox and causes this? Every person with my PFS syndrome have methylation block and low gluthatione, so could creating gluthatione with selenium cause a temporary reaction?
If it's not this, it must be the Hydroxocobalamin I've been taking for the last week. I noticed a steady decline... I think it's worsening my existing methylation block
Please help
Is it possible the selenium makes my liver detox and causes this? Every person with my PFS syndrome have methylation block and low gluthatione, so could creating gluthatione with selenium cause a temporary reaction?
If it's not this, it must be the Hydroxocobalamin I've been taking for the last week. I noticed a steady decline... I think it's worsening my existing methylation block
Please help