(SCD) Specific Carbohydrate Diet anyone?

tyson oberle

Senior Member
tampa, florida
That is interesting. Was there a big difference in the bacteria levels? I wonder if the fact symptoms didn't fluctuate also indicates that it is not the underlying cause of your illness.

Did the bacteria levels change due to treatment or natural variation?
One time I had NG (no growth or no detectable levels) of lactobacillus so then I started taking Dr Ohhira probiotics which contain different strains of lactobacillus, then I did a stool sample test a few months later showing enough lactobacillus present. I still felt the about the same. With thousands or millions of different bacteria in our gut maybe lactobacillus isnt something as important as other bacteria. Or maybe it isn't even good to have, I don' t know. How am I supposed to know? I know I have gut issues whether it is from dysbiosis, circulation problems, a defective organ, vitamin deficiency, genetic defect, or whatever. I really don't know if my gut is the "underlying cause of my illness", but my bloating improves on a special diet and I can actually feel less nasal congestion/inflammation avoiding certain foods.


Senior Member

Great, I have ordered some anyway as I haven't tried that antibiotic at all.

Did you get many nasty side effects?


Lol .... how do you order abx without a prescription??

It gave me severe diarrhea, but not a painful one ..... pretty much just like water, really hard to hold in :( .... and a lot of gurgling ....




Senior Member
Hi Elph

When you went on these abx did you feel better straight away or feel worse before you felt better?

Are you using probiotics?


Senior Member
Hi Knackers,

5 things happened within the first week:

1. Brain fog lifted and my mental capacity returned
2. My energy levels returned to near normal .... Within 2 weeks PEM was gone but I was left with extremely sore muscles which lasted over a week
3. I stopped stumbling and running into things after I stood up or got out of bed
4. I went from only 4 hours of disturbed and broken sleep a night, to getting 6 hours restful sleep .... To now where last night I slept for 11 hours straight, no break and I had to be woken up .....
5. The eye and muscle twitching stopped ....

I still have burning feet, tingling, pins and needles, ringing in ears, swollen lymph nodes in my neck, my joints are all crunchy and crack but aren't sore anymore, my blood pressure and blood sugar has gone back to near normal, I still have a sore prostate and urethritis, sore eyes and lesions on my tongue, and sore throat ...... xylitol, chewing and gargling raw garlic and ginger is keeping these at bay now though ....

It seems these bugs are in my lymphatic system .... so I reckon only IV/injectable abx is going to stop the auto-immune problem ... Anybody know how I can get my hands on a month to 6 weeks supply of Daptamycin injections+ Gentamycin IV or streptomycin injections?? and a months supply of Ramoplanin tablets??



Senior Member

The papers that I have here have researched some of these strep/enterococcus strains that I am suggesting is causing the problem, they say that the immune system is UNABLE to rid the body of these pathogens that cause an increase in IgA tithers to their protease enzyme ...... bacterial exotoxic proteases destroy extracellular structures ......

So they create oxidative stress on epithelial cells, break down cellular DNA, destroy extacellular structures, cause a chronic inflammatory response AND are immune to our immune system ..... seems like a battle the body is never going to win.....

And lab tests still identify these as normal flora ...... It is making me sick just thinking about it .....


Senior Member
OMG .... OMG .... OMG .....

So many people have thrown at me that 'many people have cured themselves on Anti-virals .....

Anti virals are protease inhibitors ...... they didn't inhibit the darn viruses ..... maybe the antivirals actually blocked the protease action of the bacteria .....


Senior Member
Xylitol is a natural sweetener, a poly alcohol

Objectives: Xylitol is a sugar alcohol which reduces the growth ofStreptococcus pneumoniae and the adherence of pneumococci andHaemophilus influenzae to nasopharyngeal cells. Xylitol prevents acute otitis media but does not decrease nasopharyngeal carriage of pneumococci. We hypothesized that xylitol could affect the surface structures of viable pneumococci, which would further explain the mechanism of action of xylitol in preventing acute otitis media.

Methods: We exposed five strains of pneumococci to 0.5%–5% xylitol, 5% glucose, 5% fructose and 5% sorbitol or control medium (brain heart infusion) for 0.5–2 h and examined the ultrastructure of bacteria by electron microscopy.

Results: The cell wall of pneumococci became more diffuse, the polysaccharide capsule became ragged and the proportion of damaged pneumococci increased after exposure to xylitol for 2 h, but not after exposure to other sugars or control medium. The phenotype of all pneumococcal strains was opaque before xylitol exposure and became almost transparent both in xylitol and in control medium during the experiment.

Conclusions: This study demonstrates further that xylitol has a harmful effect on pneumococci. The observed changes in the polysaccharide capsule and the cell wall of pneumococci could affect the adherence and virulence of pneumococci, explaining the good clinical efficacy of xylitol in the prevention of acute otitis media.


Senior Member
South East England, UK
@Elph68 I just ordered online to a European pharmacy that I have used before to get Azithromycin. In fact I have just had to start a course of Azithro because I haven't been well for nearly a month due to getting several viruses which my body just cannot seem to clear. I end up feeling crap with ulcers and red raw throat plus muscle pains so when I get to this state I know I need an antibiotic.

I get the Azithro from there too!



Senior Member
Hi Pam,

Not sure if I can get it past our customs is all ......

How do you know what you have going on is viral??




Senior Member
South East England, UK
Hi Darren

Well it all started around 15 December 2 days after I was sitting next to a friend who had a chesty cold. Did about 6 sneezes and then as usual it goes into my throat and makes me feel ill I didn't rest enough cos I had things I had to do and then a week later I seemed to pick up another virus that not only brought the throat thing back but also my bowels were upset, lots of pain bit of bloating and kept having to go to the toilet. The bowel thing lasted just over a day but the throat has been with me ever since.

What do you think, I think it is an infection now for sure.

Sometimes I get caught for VAT when I order antibiotics, it all depends where they come from. Anything from the US usually gets caught but anywhere else is usually ok.

Just PM if you want to know the name of the pharmacy.



Senior Member
Hi Darren

Well it all started around 15 December 2 days after I was sitting next to a friend who had a chesty cold. Did about 6 sneezes and then as usual it goes into my throat and makes me feel ill I didn't rest enough cos I had things I had to do and then a week later I seemed to pick up another virus that not only brought the throat thing back but also my bowels were upset, lots of pain bit of bloating and kept having to go to the toilet. The bowel thing lasted just over a day but the throat has been with me ever since.

What do you think, I think it is an infection now for sure.

Sometimes I get caught for VAT when I order antibiotics, it all depends where they come from. Anything from the US usually gets caught but anywhere else is usually ok.

Just PM if you want to know the name of the pharmacy.


Hi Pam,

If I was a betting man, I would be betting on you have a strep problem. Particularly because you mention mouth ulcers.... Streptococcus sanguis is a likely culprit. Have you ever had any trouble with your eyes??




Senior Member
South East England, UK
Hi Darren

I have a problem with my right eye watering badly when it is a cold wind but it tends to be ok during the summer months, apart from that no problems.

Two years ago when I had a viral panel done at a private hospital that specialises in ME/CFS they also tested for Strep but it came back negative. Would that cover all the Strep categories I wonder?



Senior Member
Hi Pam,

It is most likely they would have only tested for Group A, B, C and G .... Viridans Strep is classed as normal flora and is therefore ignored .....

Just look right in the corners of your eyes .... there may be a collection of what appears to be blood vessels, you may have to look right over to one side to see it ..... but there may be some reddening, you may have never even noticed it, it may be so slight ..... the strep/enterococcus lives in behind the eye in the passages that leads down to the back of the throat .... gets in the ears also .... can cause photophobia and/or tinnitus and/or eye irritation ..... In severe cases or from long term exposure, ocular nerve damage may occur, and damage to the eyeball resulting in degenerative eyesight and cancers ....




Senior Member
Hi Pam,

It is most likely they would have only tested for Group A, B, C and G .... Viridans Strep is classed as normal flora and is therefore ignored .....

Just look right in the corners of your eyes .... there may be a collection of what appears to be blood vessels, you may have to look right over to one side to see it ..... but there may be some reddening, you may have never even noticed it, it may be so slight ..... the strep/enterococcus lives in behind the eye in the passages that leads down to the back of the throat .... gets in the ears also .... can cause photophobia and/or tinnitus and/or eye irritation ..... In severe cases or from long term exposure, ocular nerve damage may occur, and damage to the eyeball resulting in degenerative eyesight and cancers ....



Both my eyeballs are pretty white all over except in the space from the corners of my eyes nearest my nose to my eyeball.

In both eyes there is huge mass of blood vessels and is very red. In the same area there in both eyes there is two little milky white patches also, if this is related or not.

When I am at my most exhausted my vision is blurry.


Senior Member
Hi Knackers,

The corners closest to your nose is the place. That is where your eyes join in with your nose and the passages beneath. If you put eyedrops directly in that corner, they run straight down the back of your throat ...... if you have ever noticed that when using them .... this is where the bacteria would most likely be at the highest concentration, and therefore the most damage .....

Just some of the more subtle signs people can look out for ......



Senior Member
Hi Daffodil, I have the same issue with quinoa. All that I heard said it probably would be ok, but it inflamed me really badly. I am certain of this.

Quinoa is very high in oxalates…I couldn't tolerate it either, but it took awhile to figure it out. As with everything...