(SCD) Specific Carbohydrate Diet anyone?


Senior Member
hi elph..so exactly what should i eat, do you think? meat and non-nightshade veggies aside from green leaves?
Hi Daffodil,

Well .... I will be eating meat, eggs, fish, mushrooms, leafy greens (inc. Broccoli, cauli, zucchini etc), chilli, garlic, ginger, herbs and spices, an occasional serve of basmati rice, the occasional potato, cheese, yoghurt, berries, nuts and maybe once a month something naughty ..... once I have pushed these bugs back to relative non-existance.

If that is any help to you ....


Senior Member
If these are normal bugs that are meant to be in our guts what will happen if we push them back to non existence? What is their purpose?


Senior Member
If these are normal bugs that are meant to be in our guts what will happen if we push them back to non existence? What is their purpose?
Hi Knackers,

who says they are normal bugs?? The same people who reckon CFS/ME is a psych problem??

I have evidence to the contrary ... They may be classed as normal flora, but they aren't normal .... and when i have a chance in a couple of weeks to put together a fully referenced document on what I have found ..... many will see also .....


Senior Member
If these are normal bugs that are meant to be in our guts what will happen if we push them back to non existence? What is their purpose?

I will ask a question ..... What is a 'leaky gut' and what is the mechanism for it's development???

The second question is ..... Do you think you need to have IBS in order to have a leaky gut??

Remember .... 'leaky gut' is not accepted medically ....


Senior Member
Doesn't everyone have these bacteria? It's only the ratio that is different?
Not necessarily ......

When you break down the species, a normal gut may contain some types, but not all ...

There is no way streptococcus sanguinis or parasanguinis should be in the gut .... it causes leaky gut .... in any numbers ....

You do not want enterococcus faecalis strain OG1RF or strain V583 in your bowel .... The damage V583 can do is at the top of the ladder ....

And there are many others .....


Senior Member
I see. On my bioscreen test it showed all the bugs they test for and next to it, had the levels found in healthy controls and the levels found in me.

The only difference was that I had some bugs in different amounts to the healthy controls.

That is why I never read much into it as I felt that for something to make my health as bad as it is, it had to be more than bugs that are found in healthy people anyway.


Senior Member
I see. On my bioscreen test it showed all the bugs they test for and next to it, had the levels found in healthy controls and the levels found in me.

The only difference was that I had some bugs in different amounts to the healthy controls.

That is why I never read much into it as I felt that for something to make my health as bad as it is, it had to be more than bugs that are found in healthy people anyway.

I am really sorry to do this ..... but those that have enterococcus overgrowth need to read these ....



Unfortunately, some streptococcus and lactobacillus strains work the same way ...

The problem is when they get together in a biofilm .... the effect is magnified ....


Senior Member
Elph..I apologize if you have answered this before, but is this diet making a big difference in your illness?

The FoodSTATS testing has shown that I should not eat Yogurt or eggs and even a lot of tomatoes these days make me ill. I ate a lot of potatoes yesterday and I think I got worse from that, too. They say not to eat "nightshade vegetables" if you have autoimmunity...?

I do agree that the disease is centered around the gut (even though most of my symptoms have always been elsewhere) but I am really thinking DeMeirleir's HERV theory is correct. In any case, diet should help some...



Senior Member
South East England, UK
Hi Daffodil,

Well .... I will be eating meat, eggs, fish, mushrooms, leafy greens (inc. Broccoli, cauli, zucchini etc), chilli, garlic, ginger, herbs and spices, an occasional serve of basmati rice, the occasional potato, cheese, yoghurt, berries, nuts and maybe once a month something naughty ..... once I have pushed these bugs back to relative non-existance.

If that is any help to you ....
This is the way I eat now and have for the past 2 years but still have a slightly fermenting gut. Too many bad bacteria according to the CSA I had done last year but I do have lots of good bacteria too (Citrobacter was one I remember as a potential pathogen).

I did eat way too many peanuts and peanut butter, think I was addicted so have switched to having more good meat pate and a milld natural cream cheese on 1/2 a no sugar oatcake as an in between meal snack which I need but I realise this means I am actually eating more carbs than previously! I have found a buckwheat cracker with far less fibre and carbs so might trying switching to that but am concerned it is higher on the glycemic scale and might give me blood sugar problems which I have a tendency to.



Senior Member
Elph..I apologize if you have answered this before, but is this diet making a big difference in your illness?

The FoodSTATS testing has shown that I should not eat Yogurt or eggs and even a lot of tomatoes these days make me ill. I ate a lot of potatoes yesterday and I think I got worse from that, too. They say not to eat "nightshade vegetables" if you have autoimmunity...?

I do agree that the disease is centered around the gut (even though most of my symptoms have always been elsewhere) but I am really thinking DeMeirleir's HERV theory is correct. In any case, diet should help some...


Hi Daffodil,

These bugs have got into my lymphatic system and that is what is causing the real damage .... So for me, I know it is bacterial .... I don't know about Retro Viruses .... but I do know how these bugs are attacking me ...

When they wash all this up, most people will be a bacterial problem, but I reckon around 20% will be something else ....


Senior Member
This is the way I eat now and have for the past 2 years but still have a slightly fermenting gut. Too many bad bacteria according to the CSA I had done last year but I do have lots of good bacteria too (Citrobacter was one I remember as a potential pathogen).

I did eat way too many peanuts and peanut butter, think I was addicted so have switched to having more good meat pate and a milld natural cream cheese on 1/2 a no sugar oatcake as an in between meal snack which I need but I realise this means I am actually eating more carbs than previously! I have found a buckwheat cracker with far less fibre and carbs so might trying switching to that but am concerned it is higher on the glycemic scale and might give me blood sugar problems which I have a tendency to.


Hi Pam,

Peanut butter is no good .... anything high fiber and low carbs is good .... I have citrobacter freundii problem too .... a prolific hydrogen sulphide producer, a neurotoxin and mitochondrial poison ..... It loves sugar .....

Fats, protein, fiber ..... and when the gut is fixed ..... good green vegies ....

Happy new year ...


Senior Member
My stool results have changed over the years, sometimes better and sometimes worse. Either way my fatigue, brain fog, social uneasiness, and cold hands and feet have remained the same even when my stool results showed improvement.

That is interesting. Was there a big difference in the bacteria levels? I wonder if the fact symptoms didn't fluctuate also indicates that it is not the underlying cause of your illness.

Did the bacteria levels change due to treatment or natural variation?


Senior Member
Interesting about the Citrobacter, does it need an abx to kill if off?

Various herbals haven't worked.

Happy New Year to you

Hi Pam,

A really difficult one is our friend citrobacter ..... ciprofloxican is the drug of choice ..... (and no carbs)

Cheers .....


Senior Member
i thought high fibre can exacerbate IBS ?
Hi Daffodil,

it does more good than harm, feeds the good anaerobes .... the gas produced by fiber intake is not toxic like the gas produced by carb intake .... (shouldn't be smelly either)



Senior Member
@Elph68, how long should one do the Cipro to kill off the bad bacteria. Is a week likely to be long enough?


Hi Pam

I will let you know, I have been on it for a month ..... in another month to 6 weeks i will be able to tell you if it was long enough ....

