(SCD) Specific Carbohydrate Diet anyone?


Senior Member
hi 5150. how interesting. I thought that was a "safe" food. perhaps I can try buckwheat...kasha(?). I started making quinoa salads because i was looking for breakfast alternatives.


Senior Member
i have been eating quinoa the last few days and notice a lot of inflammation. i feel awful. i cannot say for sure it is from the quinoa but i have a feeling. i have never really eaten it before this.

Hi Daffodil,

Quinoa is 64% starch (sugar) it therefore feeds sugar fermenting bugs in your gut (increases inflammation) which increases lactic acid production (causing acidosis) and further contributes to 'leaky gut' ...

Good food for bad bugs .... not good for ME sufferers ....



Senior Member
South East England, UK
Hi Daffodil,

Quinoa is 64% starch (sugar) it therefore feeds sugar fermenting bugs in your gut (increases inflammation) which increases lactic acid production (causing acidosis) and further contributes to 'leaky gut' ...

Good food for bad bugs .... not good for ME sufferers ....

What sort of diet do you think we should be eating if we have a leaky gut? No matter what herbal supplements I take I cannot get the bad bugs under control of a tendancy to a yeast issue even though I don't eat things like sugar or bread/rice.



Senior Member
Hi Daffodil,

Quinoa is 64% starch (sugar) it therefore feeds sugar fermenting bugs in your gut (increases inflammation) which increases lactic acid production (causing acidosis) and further contributes to 'leaky gut' ...

Good food for bad bugs .... not good for ME sufferers ....


Thanks, Elph68...are there any starches one can eat? buckwheat? I eat a lot of rice and it doesn't seem to make me sicker..i don't think,anyway...


Senior Member
Thanks, Elph68...are there any starches one can eat? buckwheat? I eat a lot of rice and it doesn't seem to make me sicker..i don't think,anyway...

Hi Daffodil,

Nobody here is going to like my answer to this .....

Carbohydrate fermenting bugs produce toxins that poison the body, the neurotoxins attack the central nervous system and the continuous battle of trying to keep them out kills (burns out) the immune system.

You are already ill Daffodil, so rice just helps to maintain your level of unwellness .....

If you really want to fix this ..... I reckon the Inuit diet will ......

The next closest .... Phase 1 of the Atkins diet .....



Senior Member
What sort of diet do you think we should be eating if we have a leaky gut? No matter what herbal supplements I take I cannot get the bad bugs under control of a tendancy to a yeast issue even though I don't eat things like sugar or bread/rice.


Hi Pam,

To have yeast, you are still consuming fermentable carbohydrates (sugars).... I am only eating meat, fish, eggs, animal/vegetable fat and soluble fiber .... No dairy, grains, fruit, vegetables, sugars .... nothing at all that contains any carbohydrates .... I will start adding them back very gradually in a couple of months ....

The body functions very well on a fat based diet .... we did it for a very long time before we become civilized ....



tyson oberle

Senior Member
tampa, florida
Hi Pam,

To have yeast, you are still consuming fermentable carbohydrates (sugars).... I am only eating meat, fish, eggs, animal/vegetable fat and soluble fiber .... No dairy, grains, fruit, vegetables, sugars .... nothing at all that contains any carbohydrates .... I will start adding them back very gradually in a couple of months ....

The body functions very well on a fat based diet .... we did it for a very long time before we become civilized ....


But when I eat grass fed meat and animal fat I get more nasal congestion. It is even worse with fish and especially eggs. From my research nasal inflammation means inflammed blood vessels. So with this grass fed meat diet I had more inflammation. I tried this meat, meat fat and fish diet with no grains, no fruit, no dairy and a few non starchy vegetables for over 6 months. I had difficult bowel movements with very hard bloody stools with also what appeared to be undigested fat. Sometimes I was eating grass fed meat and fat 3 times a day with no vegetables. I didn't add any soluble fiber though which probably would have helped. Anyway, I get no noticeable nasal inflammation from non-starchy vegetables and blueberries (but a blueberries only meal causes me to urinate frequently, so I guess that can't be good either). I also notice nasal inflammation usually with starchy vegetables, winter squash and most nuts and seeds. Also the starchy vegetables and winter squash would make my teeth hurt. My diet now is mostly non-starchy steamed vegetable meals (cabbage, asparagus, artichoke, green beans,etc), sprouted flax seed meal or raw walnut butter with romaine lettuce or raw cabbage or raw celery. I also eat raw zuchinni (sometimes steamed) meals and separately raw sunflower green meals. Although I don't really feel any better at least I have less nasal inflammation and no more constipated bloody stools.


Senior Member
But when I eat grass fed meat and animal fat I get more nasal congestion. It is even worse with fish and especially eggs. From my research nasal inflammation means inflammed blood vessels. So with this grass fed meat diet I had more inflammation. I tried this meat, meat fat and fish diet with no grains, no fruit, no dairy and a few non starchy vegetables for over 6 months. I had difficult bowel movements with very hard bloody stools with also what appeared to be undigested fat. Sometimes I was eating grass fed meat and fat 3 times a day with no vegetables. I didn't add any soluble fiber though which probably would have helped. Anyway, I get no noticeable nasal inflammation from non-starchy vegetables and blueberries (but a blueberries only meal causes me to urinate frequently, so I guess that can't be good either). I also notice nasal inflammation usually with starchy vegetables, winter squash and most nuts and seeds. Also the starchy vegetables and winter squash would make my teeth hurt. My diet now is mostly non-starchy steamed vegetable meals (cabbage, asparagus, artichoke, green beans,etc), sprouted flax seed meal or raw walnut butter with romaine lettuce or raw cabbage or raw celery. I also eat raw zuchinni (sometimes steamed) meals and separately raw sunflower green meals. Although I don't really feel any better at least I have less nasal inflammation and no more constipated bloody stools.

Hi Tyson,

if anybody ever tells you that you don't have a gut flora problem .... I know what I would say to them ....

Have you ever had a proper parasite test or stool test done??

Get a stool analysis, and get onto the centre of digestive diseases in Sydney and ask them to fix your gut ...... They will do it by phone initially ....



Senior Member
thanks elph

but doesnt one need carbohydrates to some extent?? won't eating a lot of protein and fat just ruin your kidneys and give you kidney stones??

maybe the ideal diet is A LOT of vegetables...a little bit of meat...and a tiny tiny bit of carbs?

not sure if i could even follow a diet like that yet...its already a full time job for me to keep the diet i am on

tyson oberle

Senior Member
tampa, florida
Hi Tyson,

if anybody ever tells you that you don't have a gut flora problem .... I know what I would say to them ....

Have you ever had a proper parasite test or stool test done??

Get a stool analysis, and get onto the centre of digestive diseases in Sydney and ask them to fix your gut ...... They will do it by phone initially ....

thanks for your reply Elph68,
I have had about 4 stool anaysis. Do I have to get a stool analysis done by them or can I send them my most recent one (metametrix dna profile 12/12/12) for them to look at? "They will do it by phone initially" does that mean they would look at my stool analysis and prescribe what i need or tell me what i need without me having to go to Sydney. At the moment I am trying to get an appointment with Dr DeMeirleir in Reno, but I would be very interested with trying to get the centre of digestive diseases in Sydney to help me if I can do everything over the phone.


Senior Member
thanks for your reply Elph68,
I have had about 4 stool anaysis. Do I have to get a stool analysis done by them or can I send them my most recent one (metametrix dna profile 12/12/12) for them to look at? "They will do it by phone initially" does that mean they would look at my stool analysis and prescribe what i need or tell me what i need without me having to go to Sydney. At the moment I am trying to get an appointment with Dr DeMeirleir in Reno, but I would be very interested with trying to get the centre of digestive diseases in Sydney to help me if I can do everything over the phone.

Have your symptoms and/or stool results changed over the years?


Senior Member
thanks elph

but doesnt one need carbohydrates to some extent?? won't eating a lot of protein and fat just ruin your kidneys and give you kidney stones??

maybe the ideal diet is A LOT of vegetables...a little bit of meat...and a tiny tiny bit of carbs?

not sure if i could even follow a diet like that yet...its already a full time job for me to keep the diet i am on
Hi Daffodil,

we ate a diet high in fats/protein for centuries before we were civilized ..... the eskimo's still do .... You just need to keep a high intake of water, and psyllium husk

A LOT of vegetables will only keep a fermenting gut, which is a leaking gut ......

Eating like this will change the gut bug ratio away from fermenting bacteria to metabolizing bacteria ....

Start to add in leafy green vegetables after a month or so .....


Senior Member
hi elph..so exactly what should i eat, do you think? meat and non-nightshade veggies aside from green leaves?


Senior Member
thanks for your reply Elph68,
I have had about 4 stool anaysis. Do I have to get a stool analysis done by them or can I send them my most recent one (metametrix dna profile 12/12/12) for them to look at? "They will do it by phone initially" does that mean they would look at my stool analysis and prescribe what i need or tell me what i need without me having to go to Sydney. At the moment I am trying to get an appointment with Dr DeMeirleir in Reno, but I would be very interested with trying to get the centre of digestive diseases in Sydney to help me if I can do everything over the phone.

Hi Tyson,

when/if you go to CDD don't tell them you want your CFS cured ..... all as you say to them is that you want them to fix your gut because you believe it will make you feel better as it will be one less battle you have to fight.....

But you have to back it up with a diet change .... or the treatment may fail long term .....

This KDM from what I understand will do over a period of months/years (provided you stick with his regime) what CDD will do for you in a month ...... But they don't treat CFS ..... they only treat the gut .....




Senior Member
Hi Mate,

not necessarily .... but i did know that carbs gave me gas .... it wasn't until i stopped eating them that i really noticed a difference ....

except if i ate a whole pizza ...... i noticed it then ....

Fish and chips was another one that knocked me off my feet ...


Senior Member
not yet .... still have 3 days of abx. Then I am doing a month of no carbs ....

I reckon chips will be of the rarest occurrence from here on in ....


Senior Member
This sounds very promising but I don't understand how everyone can have these same bacteria in their stomach and be perfectly healthy and then the same bacteria become unbalanced and it can almost kill a person.

If the bacteria are that bad then you would think we shouldn't have them at all.


Senior Member
I never had gut problems until i had a nervous breakdown (PTSD) about 15 years ago .... and for 2 years i lived on a cocktail of alcohol, antidepressants and chocolate and pretty much stayed in bed .... I was drinking 4 bottles of scotch and eating over 2 kg of chocolate a week ....

I suppose that may have been my first bout of this problem .... I had a full system melt down .... but I beat it then by following the Atkins program .... It took me 3 years to get back to full health ....

What I have been going through over the last 6 months I would say is more than 2 times worse than what I had then ... The difference is this time, I have picked up some nasty strains of normal flora which is making the task harder ....

I can feel them attacking my gut .... and it is causing the sensation of tiny cold pin pricks all over my skin ...... the weirdest thing ..... It seems to me that the nervous system is like a fiber optic .... mess with it in your gut and it comes out in other areas .....

But how do you tell a doctor that??
