Ryan Prior calls for your social media help re MedX on Friday 5 September


Fine, thank you
@Sasha, Is Ryan Prior an ME patient, a film-maker or both? I know there was another thread on this but I can't find it now! Also, is Twitter the only way to show support? I am not on Twitter or Facebook (and very behind the times with all of this stuff) but would love to show my support!

I agree with what he said about Silicon Valley and when I was up there for my two appts at OMI, we were near Stanford and passed the bldg for 23andMe and I felt like very important work was being done for ME/CFS and maybe Silicon Valley will be where they eventually discover the biomarker and cure. I felt very strongly that I needed to support it in any way possible but didn't know what else I could do?!!

Hi Gingergrrl - Ryan is both. He was very ill but is now functioning well enough to manage to do the documentary, though I believe he has to be careful and can crash. Here's his website:


He's very well worth our supporting - he's an amazing guy and he's built a great team around himself so that he's achieving great things for us.

I'm afraid I'm not very clued up on this event - AFAIK Twitter is the thing but if not, I hope social media buffs will step in and correct me!


Fine, thank you
Here is someone's highlights of MedX day 1. Looking forward to tomorrow. It can get a bit overwhelming to watch, I mean I am not watching, just following the Twitter chatter. But it's such a perfect opportunity for us patients to speak up about our experiences as patients of a disease that is not well accepted in the health care system context.


Let's hope Ryan ends up on such a summary - I bet it got lots of readers.

I couldn't follow the livestreaming because it kept hanging up every few seconds. If the problem is at their end, I hope they might have it sorted out by Ryan's talk on Sunday.


Patient in training
I don't think Ryan's presentation will make it live for those of us at home but it will be recorded.

MedX is an excellent opportunity to educate health care professionals' and connected people interested in health care. Time for networking is now!