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Ruggiero Speaking & Instruction For MAF 314 - Kansas October 5-6


Senior Member
With permission to repost and open to anyone:

Dr. Marco Ruggiero will be the closing speaker at the 2012 Riordan IVC and Cancer Symposium, Octorber 5-6 in Wichita, Kansas. His lecture is titled "Food-based Macrophage Activating Factor: Can It Help Cancer Patients?"

Provided there is sufficient interest, Ruggiero and the Riordan Clinic have agree to offer a one-day overview of the process involved in making the MAF 314 yogurt on Sunday, October 7. The ultimate goal is to make cultures available to patients of the Riordan Clinic, which will monitor results and progress. Trips to the clinic will hopefully be minimal.

I have been asked to liase between members of these forums and the larger AIDS alternative community and the Riordan Clinic, where I am also a patient.

There is no cost to attend the demonstration. There will be costs involved with clinic visits and the cultures themselves, for those who chose to pursue that option. This is not a study or a clinicial trial, but I have been advocating that a way be found to make the product available to more people who want to try it.

Email me at jonathan@questioningaids.com if you want to attend what may be the only the MAF314 demonstration in the U.S. this year.

(posted at http://forums.questioningaids.com/showthread.php?t=8238)


Senior Member
I am a bit confused about maf314.....

Is there starter involved in The making of maf314? If so, who supplies it and how can it be obtained?



Senior Member
I've never tried it myself Voner, but would very much like to. For anyone who can make this Wichita date, it could be a rare opportunity. Ruggiero is from Italy and doesn't come this way often. It is more readily available in Europe but as far as I know you still have to attend an instruction session.

There are threads in this section on the MAF 314 giving more details. Or if interested contact Jonathan via email.
Greetings, everyone, and apologies for the delay in responding to requests for more details. I have found myself caught in a bit of a spot with this announcement. Please bear with me. I am trying to confirm some details before posting here, hopefully later today.

I helped introduce my doctor, Ron Hunninghake, MD, Chief Medical Officer of the Olive W. Garvey Center for Healing Arts, the clinical division of the Riordan Clinic to Professor Marco Ruggiero, whom I met as the administrator of the Forums at Questioning AIDS, which some of you are familiar with. The Riordan Clinic is a progressive nutrition-based health center founded in 1975 that has pioneered research into high dose intravenous vitamin C for cancer and other chronic diseases, among other things. If you review their website, you will find it is an extraordinary facility in the middle of the Kansas prairie.

MAF 314 is a proprietary fermented food (dairy), and is currently available only through clinics that agree to monitor patients taking it. Until now, I have been the only patient receiving the ferment while being monitored at the Riordan Clinic. Making the yogurt is a complex, but not exceedingly difficult, multi-step process. To maximize its benefit requires some expertise and training. I can tell you from experience that it is easy to overlook a step and have to start over.

The opportunity to offer a demonstration project while Marco Ruggiero is in the U.S. to present at the 2012 Riordan IVC and Cancer Symposium was an irresistible one, and seemingly a no-brainer. I have lobbied hard and was given permission to announce it at the QA forums, in order to determine whether there was sufficient interest to warrant organizing it. Now, understandably, those interested in attending are also seeking assurances that they will not be wasting their time and limited energy to make a trek to Wichita. It has become something of a Catch-22.

I have received assurances that the demonstration will take place Sunday, October 7, from 1-4 pm at the Riordan Clinic in Wichita, Kansas. There is no charge to attend, but we are asking people to RSVP so we can plan accordingly. I can be reached via PM or email (jonathan(at)questioningaids.com)

The next question, "will I be able to buy the ferment?" is a more difficult one to answer today. This is a new venture for the Riordan Clinic, and they will not be able to give a definitive answer until after they have met with Ruggiero next month. All that I can say, following a phone visit with Dr. Ron, is that the expectation is that the clinic will be able to offer MAF 314 to their patients in the near future.

While this may not be the emphatic assurance some of you want, I think it is best for those of us involved in organizing this to be as clear as we possibly can that there are still some issues that have to be finalized. Personally, I will be very surprised if Riordan Clinic does not follow in the steps of the Cheney Clinic in making MAF 314 available, but that is strictly a personal opinion.

Costs? IF Riordan agrees to offer MAF 314, It costs a new patient approximately $200 for a basic initial consult. I can assure you that is much less than was the case when I first became a patient there a few years ago. I know it is still a consideration for people who may have to also factor in travel and lodging, which I also do.

The actual cost of MAF 314 is yet to be determined. I understand that the cost of the ferment from participating physicians in Europe, including medical consultation, can run about 2,000 EUR, or about $2,500 per year. There is also a modest weekly cost for the actual components to make the yogurt.

I hope this helps. The ability to attend the demonstration on October 7th is obviously going to depend on individual's energy and financial ability. I wish it could be more inclusive for all, but it is at least one step closer to access for some folks than was previously the case.

I will do my best to answer questions, but reserve the right to admit I may not know the answer. :)


Moderation Resource Albuquerque
Hi Jonathan,

Thanks for doing this organizing. I see you have been taking MAF 314. My question (and I don't know if there is an answer) is what dose of GcMAF you are getting with a certain amount of MAF 314?

I have been injecting GcMAF for quite a while and would want to know "the dose" before adding MAF 314 as I find I am very sensitive to the dosing of GcMAF.

Have you ever heard Dr. Ruggiero comment on this?

Interesting question, and I do not know the answer, Sushi. I will add it to the list of questions to ask Professor Ruggiero next month. I have never noticed any adverse effects from the yogurt, which is, btw, quite tasty.

My question (and I don't know if there is an answer) is what dose of GcMAF you are getting with a certain amount of MAF 314?

I have been injecting GcMAF for quite a while and would want to know "the dose" before adding MAF 314 as I find I am very sensitive to the dosing of GcMAF.


Senior Member
Is anyone planning on going to this demonstration.? Jonathan, do you think a video of the demonstration will become available for us to buy? What are the chances that the Clinic will sell to patients who are already followed by a physician? Thanks.


Senior Member
I'd love to go to the demo but it is another country and I am currently housebound. Luckily for me a UK based fellow patient is giving me some of their MAF314. Took some last year and it had a good effect.
So far, I have received only inquiries. No one has confirmed that they plan to attend. The demo will take place, and those attending the IVC and Cancer Symposium will be invited to stay over Sunday, if they'd like. Otherwise, I look forward to having an afternoon with Dr. Hunninghake and Ruggiero to myself! :)

I will advocate that Ruggiero allow some of us to release additional information about the process followed to make MAF 314, including the instruction booklet. It will not do anyone much good, imho, without the actual cultures, which are patented and proprietary. A video is a possibility,and I will ask about that.

Keep in mind that it takes about 48 hours to process a batch of MAF 314, and there are a number of steps that must be followed. Still, most of that time is just waiting for the little fermentation critters to do their thing, so documenting the actual steps should be able to be condensed to a 15-30 minute video.

I hope to know more next week, though I don't know that I will have answers to all of your questions that quickly. I do plan to report on both the Cancer Symposium and the MAF 314 demo, and I will post links here for those who are interested.

Is anyone planning on going to this demonstration.? Jonathan, do you think a video of the demonstration will become available for us to buy? What are the chances that the Clinic will sell to patients who are already followed by a physician? Thanks.


Senior Member
I have a couple of questions about the MAF my Dr cannot answer. I wondered if I can pass any on to you Jonathan?


Senior Member
If we could get the book with (for example) our first batch of the starter that would be wonderful. In Europe we can see a doctor in Austria for instruction or I am told that she will do a Skype consultation. That puts some people off because the concentration and cognitive problems plus the extra cost.
Being able to get the starter at a reasonable price and the instructions with it would be very useful.
Some people would like to buy smaller amounts of the starter as well rather then committing themselves to a large order. The first time I had MAF314 was so successful that I would gladly buy it in small amounts.
Dr Enlander was selling the starter for his MAF878 in a one months supply. This was good to see how it worked and if one could tolerate it.
I'm also told that in some countries getting colostrum is expensive and hard to import although I've been able to get it in London (packaged not fresh of course).
Dr Ruggioro has done an incredible thing just making this available to us, of course and I am really grateful
Feel free to post here, or send me an email with your questions. I will do what I can. I assume PR members can email me via my profile here?

Also, have you read the Q&A with Ruggiero on the QA Forums? You may find some of the information you are seeking there. Those forums are more focused on AIDS, but much of the info on MAF 314 should be applicable to everyone.


I have a couple of questions about the MAF my Dr cannot answer. I wondered if I can pass any on to you Jonathan?


Senior Member
xrunner: I have a couple of questions about the MAF my Dr cannot answer. I wondered if I can pass any on to you Jonathan?

xrunner, I think many of us who are interested in the Maf 314 would love to see any additional questions and comments from anyone in the group, and would appreciate if you would post to Jonathan through this thread. Thanks.

Jonathan - thanks again for all your effort to help us.

I have a question for regular participants of the Phoenix Rising forums: has anyone here actually been in contact with Ruggiero, or Professor Pacini? I wonder if he is aware of the level of interest from ME/CFS patients here? I assume he is, since he has worked with Dr. Chaney, but I will be sure to reinforce that message during private meetings with him over the next few days. FWIW, I would not be making the effort to attend this weekend's events, if I did not expect some announcement and news from it. I'm still recovering from two hospitalizations in less than a month for shingles in my left eye and face, so staying at home sounds much more recuperative to me! ;~/

On a side note, I've long wondered if my "AIDS" isn't actually a form, or variant of CFS. I've long noticed that many chronic illnesses seem to get lumped together for certain purposes, especially alternative treatments. I've seen how cancer, AIDS, MS, lupus, CFS and others are all candidates for things like LDN and high dose IVC. It makes me wonder if we aren't being distracted from seeing some common, probably multifactoral, conditions leading to these illnesses that have at least one thing in common: immune imbalance or dysfunction. That Ruggiero is sharing results of MAF 314 with a group of alternative practitioners who are meeting to discuss the role of high dose intravenous vitamin C for treating cancer should be telling.

Perhaps this is already the topic of another thread, so feel free to move this post, or redirect me. I know I'm veering off-topic a bit.


Moderation Resource Albuquerque
I have a question for regular participants of the Phoenix Rising forums: has anyone here actually been in contact with Ruggiero, or Professor Pacini? I wonder if he is aware of the level of interest from ME/CFS patients here? I assume he is, since he has worked with Dr. Chaney, but I will be sure to reinforce that message during private meetings with him over the next few days....

I think a couple of patients here have been in touch with Ruggiero, either through email or your forum, but not many of the patients who took MAF 314 with Dr. Cheney seem to participate much here, so I'd guess few from this forum have been in direct contact with him. Since this forum represents one of the largest ME/CFS patient groups, it would be great if he knew of the keen interest here.

Thanks again for what you are doing.


Senior Member
Great Plains, US
Yes, thank you SO much for going to this, Jonathan, and reporting back to us!
I'm really interested in what Dr. R. will say at this conference.

I really wish I could go, and that I could try some MAF 314. But I am just not up to becoming a patient of yet another doctor in order to get it.



Senior Member

Here's the questions.

a) Would taking more than the recommended 125ml daily dose of the 314 accelerate healing? Is there a
daily limit over which it may be counterproductive?

b) would increasing the ratio of colostrum-to-milk/yogurt, make the 314 more powerful (and shorten timescale for recovery) or it doesn't matter?

c) can GcMAF cause reactivation of latent infections? Or could in some cases cause an abnormal, different type of macrophage activation which may explain certain adverse reactions ?(in respect of tumors, there seems to be certain types macrophages that instead of killing a tumor, promote its growth).

I've read posts on this board where people reported symptoms of reactivation of latent infections. It didn't happen to me and it doesn't seem to make any sense but I have witnessed first hand flare ups of (hidden?) infections in another person, unable to take it for more than a few weeks and I wondered what might be going on.

d) This question should be for Dr Amy Yasko but I don't have access to her.
Dr Y. suggests taking Resveratrol (and Vitamin D) with GcMAF as it seems to help metabolise Vit D whilst reducing oxidative stress resulting from the activation of macrophages.
I have taken Resveratrol on and off for a long time, well before starting the 314. The main effect was lower inflammation and increased energy.
With the 314, it still helps with joint and skin inflammation but it increases fatigue and brain fog in a dose-dependent manner to the point I have to decrease activity levels. Not sure whether resveratrol is amplifying the effects of the Maf, which on its own has only a minor effect on energy levels and brain fog.
In essence, does this effect seem like a good or bad thing?

Many thanks