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Rheumatologist or Neurologist POLL/DEBATE

In your opinion who in mainstrem medicine could better treat CFS/ME if they are open minded?

  • Rheumatologist

    Votes: 7 41.2%
  • Neurologist

    Votes: 10 58.8%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Senior Member
I'll go with internist (though we don't seem to have those in the UK) or a geriatrician even though most of us are younger.

I think a doctor who can handle complexity and multiple symptoms is best and geriatricians should be good at this as older people have lots of different things wrong with their bodies.

There should be some middle ground between primary care generalism (no time and no access to tests) and the super specialism (too focused on a single organ) that you get in hospitals.