Phoenix Rising Founder
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- CiCoach: The Resource For Professionals With Chronic Illness - Rosalind Joffe's experience with two autoimmune diseases prompted her to devote her career to assisting people with chronic illnesses be successful in the workplace. The CiCoach website provides a newsletter, coaching opportunities, a very active blog "Working With Chronic Illness - Thoughts on Navigating Your Career", her book, more resources, etc.
- Financial Medicine For the Chronically Ill - Christina Gombar, former financial services executive, now ME/CFS patient and writer, exposes the dark underbelly of the financial/medical system with regards to the chronically ill in her blog.
- Advocacy for Patients with Chronic Illness - Jennifer Jaff, a lawyer with Crohn’s disease, founded a nonprofit organization to help chronically ill people with work/disability issues.
- Social Security Administration ‘Ticket to Work Program’ - designed to enable people receiving Social Security disability to continue working.
- Amendment to encourage employers to accommodate people with the kind of multiple, cyclical and unpredictable disabilities typical of autoimmune disorders (and ME/CFS)
- Women, Work And Autoimmune Disease - Keep Working Girlfriend! by Rosalind Joffe (2008)
- I’d Rather be Working: a Step-by-Step Guide to Financial Self-Support for People with Chronic Illness (2002)
- Job Hunting for the So-Called Handicapped by Richard Nelson Bolles and Dale Brown (2004)
- Protecting Your Job While Coping With a Chronic Illness - New York Times article on chronic illness and working.
- “Ill in a Days Work” by Donna Jackson Nakazawa
- “Sick and Vulnerable Workers Fear for Health And Their Jobs" - New York Times article showcasing the difficulties of working with chronic illness by Lisa Belkin
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