Wow, that is great news
@echobravo! I hope you will share more with us once you are able.
Appreciate it! I have seen improvements since my first ayurveda treatment in Varkala in Nov/Dec 2017, which continued when I went back for 6 more weeks of treatment in Feb/March 2018.
A small miracle happened there on March 22nd. During yoga (neckstand pose) a spontaneous adjustment happened in my upper neck on the left side. It was like a jolt of high voltage that numbed an area the size of a golf ball, and after that about 20.30 seconds an intense sensation like a "current" was flooding down along the side of my neck towards the upper trapezius. I immediately felt that my neck/head "sat straight" for the first time in decades. Returning to my hotel after the yoga I felt a "relief" in my upper spine and neck that enabled me to "walk straight" (I had forgotten how it felt).
The changes that happened after that have been unbelievable. In the first five weeks I was in a state of bliss. Longstanding pains (headaches, eye pain, neck pain, back pain etc) gradually loosened its grip. Some energy returned. Dysautonomia symptoms started to improve - basic regulatory functions related to heartbeat (waking up at night with racing heart), heat regulation (no tolerance for heat nor for cold), blood pressure regulation (POTS, OI), fluid balance, sleep issues (unrefreshed sleep, waking up at night), massive digestive problems, recurring infections. In beginning of May I went for a week to Budapest, it was a thrill, I had energy to walk around the city, to eat what I wanted, I could even tolerate some alcohol again.
I realized I was de-conditioned after almost 7 years of very little physical activity, and close to no exercise. Gradually, during summer, I increased my physical capacity by taking longer and longer walks in the mountains of the Norwegian west coast. In August I went for a demanding 8 hour walk. I started to believe I might be out of CFS for good.
A 10-week rehab Sept-Nov generously offered by the Norwegian health care system further increased strength and endurance. I had not realized to which extent I had been de-conditioned. My fatigue started already in 1993 (probably before), I had to quit my job in 2002, then tried another career/profession, which led to a collapse in 2015, and a continued worsening till I was partially bed bound from 2017 with increasing symptoms, no energy left and days of PEM just after very little activity. I could not hold a screwdriver over my head for more than 15-20 seconds. There was no strength nor energy in my body.
So what was the reason for all my symptoms?
I have come to believe that all my issues were related to "neurology" in the upper neck, in the junction between skull and atlas vertebrae. I belive my atlas was dislocated on the left side (C0-C1) and that the joint was relocated spontaneously during the "neck stand" yoga pose because of the weight of my whole body pressing down on my upper vertebraes.
I was in a traffic incident when I was 13, bicycling downhill at high speed (55 km(h?) a car stopped in front of me, I smashed into it head first, and my jaw was crushed on the left side, teeth broken, I was in a coma for more than 24 hours. In the moment before the impact I had been able to turn my head slightly to the left, thus the sudden stop of the combined mass of my head/body as I hit the car, made my atlas joint dislocate on the left side (only 30% survive such head trauma causing a C0-C1 dislocation, in the majority of these cases the damages to the brainstem/spine cause immediate death (see Wikipedia above)). And this has gone undiscovered for the 40 years that have passed after this.
So, I believe "my kind of CFS" is related to caused by to upper spine issues affecting neurology (brain stem, vagus) in this area. The dislocated atlas has affected the brainstem (stretch, bend, pressure?) which has caused so many of the symptoms that developed over the years. Also the musculoskeletal effect of a slightly tilted and "dislocated" head has been gradually spreading down my spine over these 40 years - an endless source of pain, stiffness, lower back prolapse, hip pain etc - all of which have been improving since March 22nd.
@jeff_w and
@JenB have reported, there might also be an element of CCI/AAI in my case, since the head trauma might have caused upper neck instability as ligaments were overstretched in the impact.
Interestingly, I also have a (family) history of a tendency to easily overstretch joints - had a surgery to stabilize a shoulder dislocation at 30, also my thumbs dislocate very easily. It is not the kind of hypermobility seen in EDS, though, but still interesting to read what has been written on the forum about chiari, EDS etc.
Lastly, for members who might want to check if their fatigue and other symptoms might be related to spine issues; there was a report from Germany where three people with CFS were found to have spine issues (cervical stenosis) in which cases surgery made them all well.
The Springer paper is here:
"Improvement of severe myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome symptoms following surgical treatment of cervical spinal stenosis"
Their conclusion: "The prompt post-surgical restoration of more normal function suggests that cervical spine stenosis contributed to the pathogenesis of refractory ME/CFS and orthostatic symptoms. The improvements following surgery emphasize the importance of a careful search for myelopathic examination findings in those with ME/CFS, especially when individuals with severe impairment are not responding to treatment.
These findings were also discussed on PR i this thread:
"Recovery of 3 Severe ME/CFS Patients After Cervical Spinal Stenosis Surgery (2018 / Peter Rowe)"
I had forgotten my comment in that thread, dated Feb 5th 2018, just a week or so before I went back to India the second time (to have my atlas "relocated" during yoga);
"Makes me wonder if that car crash, the 40 years of chronic pain after (and who knows, maybe a spinal damage?), eventually contributed to getting ME.."
Also interesting to read the comment made by
@Hip in that same thread;
"When you hear of these occasional cures of ME/CFS through yoga, it makes me wonder whether that might be because the yoga was able to fix an undiagnosed spinal stenosis that was causing ME/CFS."
PS! I also wanted to add that those years of headaches, neck pains, eye pains, migraines etc, I now think they all orginated from upper cervical issues, and the correct diagnosis would have been "Occipital neuralgia".
WebMD: "Occipital neuralgia is a condition in which the nerves that run from the top of the spinal cord up through the scalp, called the occipital nerves, are inflamed or injured. You might feel pain in the back of your head or the base of your skull."
I believe spine issues should be investigated for anyone that have these symptoms of chronic fatigue, dysatonomias, pains related to neck/back/head.
PS! I also want to add that I went back to India in Nov/Dec 2018 to have my third round of ayurveda treatment. Don't forget that a Panchakarma procedure is all about REJUVENATION. And if, as one might come to believe, many cases of CFS originate from a neurological dysregulation of some kind (stenosis, brain stem compression, neuroinflammation..) then the rejuvenation of body tissues and anti-inflammatory effects that Panchakarma seems to have, would have a healing effect in such cases.