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Remission success. How?


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Four ME patients in Varkala SM Ayurveda in Kerala, India.
From left to right

EchoBravo (4 years ME now in remission)
62milestogojoe (7 years ME now in remission)
McTavish (10 years ME on fourth day of detox)
TheProf (6 years ME on third day of detox)

We are at different stages of recovery. I related my beginning treatment in 2016 on another thread.

We have access to Oura for measuring sleep and I will post the exciting results later. Just as an example I had 100 minutes of N3 refreshing sleep on remission and McTavish, who has not begun treatment proper yet and is taking pharmaceutical grade sleeping tablets had 17 minutes of N3 last night.

With a cohort of 4 we can finally consider the success of this treatment with a little more robustness. Will keep you posted. I am intrigued and fascinated by the possibility of return to health for McTavish and TheProf


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What's a forum then?
@62milestogojoe This is great news and thank you for sharing it (and the photo) with us! Not sure if you remember chatting with me a while back but I am so glad that you are all doing so much better!
Thanks. Yes of course I remember you. Appreciate the good wishes. McTavish is in purgation day....laxatives giving green poo like a new born. TheProf is on last day of panchakarma with high dose ghee.


Senior Member
@knackers323 Yes I tried the panchakarma treatment in 1998 in Chennai/India, where I live.But in order for the treatment to work the doctor asked me to stop my allopathic medicines(This is the norm for all detox / panchakarma treatments). But my epilepsy flared up after stopping the medicines and ayurveda did not have any good epilepsy medication for my type of epilepsy(Temporal lobe epilepsy). So i discontnued the ayurvedic treatment and went back to allopathy.

Ayurveda is effective for ME CFS. But after the treatment you have to avoid trigger foods and stay away from strong allopathic medicines which irritate the gut. Which is a bit difficult for me.

If I did not have epilepsy, I would definitely go back to ayurveda and would have got my CFS under control. Ayurveda considers this a vitiation of Vatha dosha. There is no cure for this in ayurveda but you can effectively control it. You should avoid going back to a stressful lifestyle or job.


Senior Member
Thanks for the encouraging news. :)

McTavish is in purgation day....laxatives giving green poo like a new born. TheProf is on last day of panchakarma with high dose ghee.

I read traditionally panchakarma had been done up to 10 weeks. How is it done in Varcala? Just the minimum of at least 10 days?

Purification therapy consist of five parts known as Pancha Karma, the five cleansing actions:

1. Vamana, Therapeutic vomiting
2. Virechana, Therapeuthic purgation
3. Basti, Medicated enemas
4. Nasya, Nasal medication
5. Rakta Moksha, Therapeutic release of toxic blood

How such a treatment is adapted for being able to be given in such a short time? By oleation (Snehana) and steam therapy (Svedana) as preparation for the first few days? Then proceeded by applying all 5 cleansing actions in succession? Or just some selected, as the example of a purgation day only?

I actually wanted to test such a short period of panchakarma myself at a Ayurvedic clinic everyone recommends at Gokarna (I usually stay each Jan/Feb). Too bad they didn't answer any of my question I send them per Mail til now. Like if I should stop all supplements during a panchakarma?


Senior Member
Hi Mattie
You don’t think 100 minutes N3 sleep in a treated ME patient versus 17 minutes in an untreated patient is any kind of empirical evidence???
Really happy this is working for you and I mean that.
But yes emperical and as I said anecdotal.
thats not science nor evidence.


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We’re working on it! Collecting data from another subject tonight and will be generating results once treatment is established.

Given the sad fact that there is no accepted diagnostic marker nor monitoring marker for the disease, this is an exciting opportunity to generate some data on the impact of Ayurvedic medicine on ME patients.

Yes it is anecdotal that I was able to ride Indian roads for 4 hours but I can assure you that this is realty for me. It was the most demanding thing I’ve undertaken since I was diagnosed 7 years ago. No crash ensued.

Please have a read through my previous posts if you have the time and energy Mattie. I had to deal with disbelief in 2016 and I don’t wish to become embroiled in arguments.

I am a state registered specialist biomedical scientist btw not a hippie on the beach.
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Hi Pamojja
Day 1 consultation
Day 2 25-30ml of a particular ghee in the morning
High table rhythm massage followed by 20 minutes in steam box follows. Diet restrictions to 2 bowls of organic food per day

Day 3-5 As above with increasing dosage of ghee

Day 6 purgative either vomina or laxative

Day 7 -21 treatment which for me is low table deep tissue massage followed by khizi then nasyam then Ayurvedic tablets and liquid medicines are taken daily

Extremely effective for ME


Senior Member
Thanks for the details. I assume you have to stop all supplements (vitamins, minerals, amino acids and herbals) from day 2 onward? Which is the particular ghee?


What's a forum then?
As you no doubt know, we all tend to have regimes of tablets and supplements. Normal regime is continued until patient and doctor agree that they can be safely dropped/replaced by Ayurvedic meds.

This can mean a patient is still taking some or all of their meds up to 10 days or so.


Senior Member
I'm a "Vatha" type according to Ayurveda, which is interesting that M.E is considered a vitiation of Vatha dosha.

I think Ghee is a very healthy food and Indian Ayurvedic massage the best in the world,
and they do help me feel generally a bit healthier, but it's by no means a cure.
Some patients cannot tolerate massage or many of the herbs used in Ayurveda, some of which are questionable.


Senior Member
Which is the particular ghee?
It's probably panchagavya, which is a fermentation product apparently consisting of a total of 9 ingredients, 5 of which are cow products:

Panchagavya consists of nine products. cow dung, cow urine, milk, curd, jaggery, ghee, banana, tender coconut, and water.[4] The cow dung and urine are thoroughly mixed in the morning and evening, and kept for 3 days. After setting, it is mixed regularly for another 15 days, and then added to the other ingredients, and left to sit for another 30 days.