Remission - finally something to tell you <3


Senior Member
I am highly sorry not to respond to any single post right now but I wanted to add something real quick:

What you are all pointing out right now might be the case BUT

1) For me the state of disease started exactly some days after I got my cats back so in my case it must be a REALLY nasty coincidence if any other pathogen would have caused my illness.

2) If you want to exclude Tox. (if you somehow suspect it), you cannot just take any antibiotic. Even the ones which are officially efficient against Tox. NEED to be rotated. Also the Pyrimethamine is crucial as it deplets Tox of folate which can be necessary.

3) Lots of ppl on here are sick for a very long time which means (according to Dr. auf der Strasse) that it is (highly) probable that Clindamycin alone won't do the trick.

4) Most of the moderate to severe patients who have been sick for a long time would need to take those antibiotics for at least 1-2 months, followed by 2 months of relapse prevention.

I am still very aware, the unfortunately most of you guys won't be helped by this treatment but for me it makes more than just sense - please read his book and look at the case studies. Also it might be helpful to look at the reviews of his doctor's office - some people swear on him and I do so too. He is very caring and he does always take his patients very serious.

I have contacted him through his office (see attached screenshot). Go to his website und search for the general email. Then write to him and you will most probably get an answer!

I decided to extend the initial treatment phase for one more month.

I hope this helps! ☺️


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Aidan Walsh

Senior Member
As I said, humans carry thousands of bacterial species, many of which can potentially be pathogenic. Unless the test is very accurate and there is a clear casual relationship established, you cannot be sure if the improvement was from bacteria A, bacteria B, or protozoa C getting targeted with these broad-spectrum antibiotics. This doctor may have specialized in looking to find toxoplasmosis, but did he test for all the other pathogens that have been established as disease-causing in his patients?

To give a concrete example, last year I had a microbiome test performed and found out I carried D. fragilis, which is another parasite. I was given antimicrobials against this. I didn't improve. If I had improved, would it have been because the antimicrobial eradicated D. Fragilis or was it something else it did get rid of? D. fragilis can be both pathogenic or non-pathogenic, so we have different pathogen variants or even the same pathogens that can cause problems in one person and not in another.

He did do testing on I think it was LLT Leukocytes specific to this infection at another lab

Aidan Walsh

Senior Member
I am highly sorry not to respond to any single post right now but I wanted to add something real quick:

What you are all pointing out right now might be the case BUT

1) For me the state of disease started exactly some days after I got my cats back so in my case it must be a REALLY nasty coincidence if any other pathogen would have caused my illness.

2) If you want to exclude Tox. (if you somehow suspect it), you cannot just take any antibiotic. Even the ones which are officially efficient against Tox. NEED to be rotated. Also the Pyrimethamine is crucial as it deplets Tox of folate which can be necessary.

3) Lots of ppl on here are sick for a very long time which means (according to Dr. auf der Strasse) that it is (highly) probable that Clindamycin alone won't do the trick.

4) Most of the moderate to severe patients who have been sick for a long time would need to take those antibiotics for at least 1-2 months, followed by 2 months of relapse prevention.

I am still very aware, the unfortunately most of you guys won't be helped by this treatment but for me it makes more than just sense - please read his book and look at the case studies. Also it might be helpful to look at the reviews of his doctor's office - some people swear on him and I do so too. He is very caring and he does always take his patients very serious.

I have contacted him through his office (see attached screenshot). Go to his website und search for the general email. Then write to him and you will most probably get an answer!

I decided to extend the initial treatment phase for one more month.

I hope this helps! ☺️

thank you Mrparadise appreciated lots

Aidan Walsh

Senior Member
I finally managed to find his full address & website I did not see his email only a Contact one within the clinic so was not sure if I should have sent it there? I would rather contact his email if I could

Aidan Walsh

Senior Member
I am a complete idiot...

He translated his book to English...“Shadow+Disease+chronic+active+Toxoplasmosis”&qid=1660406988&sprefix=shadow+disease+chronic+active+toxoplasmosis+,aps,361&sr=8-1

@Aidan Walsh Unfortunately, I do not have his private email buf he is going to respond for sure - it might take some time though.

ok thank you Yes I got his book on Amazon in English an awful lot of reading inside now, ordered in the UK

Aidan Walsh

Senior Member
Hi Mrparadise, I did reached the Doctor in Germany but is unable to treat me from there, he suggested I get my Doctor in touch he will guide her on how to treat me. I am too sick to go to Germany presently now, t
hank you
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Aidan Walsh

Senior Member
@Mrparadise What I do not understand is whether the LLT Leukocyte test is this for the infection or is this actually for medicines to test if someone can tolerate these or could be allergic to them? thank you
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Aidan Walsh

Senior Member
400 you're not at all. This thread is very helpful. Thank you so much for taking the time to post it. I'm going to see if I can get some clindamycin. :)

I am not sure if he is on here anymore, he does not respond like before maybe the treatment did not work

vision blue

Senior Member
Actually I did not get diagnosed at all. If I go back in time to where it started, it was the day I got my cats back from my girlfriend. My cats are domestic cats whereas hers were not. This clearly indicates that my cats got infected at her home and then shed the parasite in my litter box. ).

How did you rule out other things cats carry? For instance cats transmit , bartonella, and that can minic/cause CFS too. Maybe you tested negative for it but can be hard to detect. . Clindamycin may work on them critters too so froM a practical standpoint
It may not matter which feline vector illness you got.

When i first got sick, one of the first thing I was asked was “Do you work with animals”. Funny but in recent times, seems like I dont hear that question. Less interest in getting to the bottom of things these days?

Anyway, super congrats whether it was toxiplasmosis, bartonella , or something else.

(I havent read thru the whole tgread so oerhaps there are 30 other posts making the same point)!


Psalm 46:1-3
Great Lakes
Just found this last night. It's one of Dr Amy Proal's interviews.
I may start a new thread with this video on the main page but for now I thought I would post it here for people following this thread: Interview with Dr Lena Pernas: Possible Toxoplasma reactivation in Covid-19/Long Covid.

I've only gotten about half through watching it as I have to do short segments at a time.

I don't think the doctor being interviewed knows about Dr. Uwe Auf der Strasse's work though because she said at one point in the video that there is no treatments for chronic toxoplasmosis. She also said it can be detected if several "snapshot" tests are taking though I was unclear if she meant only during acute phase.
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Aidan Walsh

Senior Member
Strauss mentions it is chronic activation, also a Doctor from Austria talks highly of Strauss's findings he wrote about him on his blog. I will look now to see if I can find it again & post it here soon. Ok I saw your post again above that was the same Doctor from Austria you mentioned Judee which I saw before x x
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Psalm 46:1-3
Great Lakes
I will look now to see if I can find it again & post it here soon. Ok I saw your post again above that was the same Doctor from Austria you mentioned Judee which I saw before x x

I did the same thing the other something and then within just a short time completely forgot where I read it.

It's this awful disease that does it. It impairs our short term memory. So please don't feel badly about posting that. :)

Aidan Walsh

Senior Member
I did the same thing the other something and then within just a short time completely forgot where I read it.

It's this awful disease that does it. It impairs our short term memory. So please don't feel badly about posting that. :)
did you have any luck getting the antibiotics yet? xx Yes, this illness plays with our minds, its cruel at times I like to refer to it as a Real F'er LOL xx