Critterina --thank you for your recs!
Freddd --
I'm taking Anabol Naturals Dipencoplex and Enzymatic B12 Infusion. I take both sublingually, without sucking or chewing on them.
The most surprising thing that has happened is that I was going prematurely gray and a significant part of that hair is now growing in brown! It's great to have such a clear and startling indication that something beneficial is happening because it gives me the faith to keep persisting in getting the methylation right. Also, my skin has been looking really great. Now, I'm not doing the methylation for vanity reasons, but as my doctor reminded me, hair and skin are excellent indicators of general health. So, there's that.
Other people have noticed that some of my cognition issues are getting better. I'm starting to think so, too. I play the piano, and ME has destroyed my ability to play without constant, clumsy, and ridiculous mistakes. Just recently I've noticed that my concentration and agility are greatly improved. Also, recently I noticed that I'm not as overwhelmed by sensory input. For example, some noises that I used to find horrendous, like almost painful to listen to, I now realize are totally within normal ranges. It's funny that I used to wonder how other people could possibly tolerate those sounds, and then one day, about a month ago I suddenly realized, Oh, those noises are not pleasant, but they are really not that bad...oops!
Still deeply tired, still weak, still overwhelmed by sensory input, and I still get migraines if I challenge the ME/CFS energetic boundaries. It's possible that the methylation has deepened the tiredness and weakness, as well as the migraines when I try to step out of bounds.
Of the support factors you mentioned I am currently taking:
600mg of magnesium (magnesium malate)
5000iu of vit D
25mg zinc
1000mg TMG
400mcg biotin
855mg L-carnitine fumarate
So, based on your comments, I will increase the zinc to 65mg, and try ALCAR instead of the L-carnitine fumarate, and add in d-ribose. What do you think of the dosages of biotin and magnesium? Should they be increased? How much d-ribose should I shoot for?
Any other comments/suggestions of things to try? Your thoughts on SAM-e?
One other thing: the b-complex I'm taking is very low dose, and i wanted to check with you if you think it's OK. I take only one pill per day, which gives me:
thiamine 25mg
Riboflavin 25mg
Niacin 150mg
B-6 55mg
methylfolate 800mcg
methylcobalamin 1,000mcg
biotin 400mcg (this is where I get my biotin from)
pantothenic acid 150mg
choline 50mg
inositol 50mg
PABA 50mg
Thank you Freddd!!!!