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Recommended Brands? - MeB12, Adb12, Methylfolate, L-Carnitine Fumurate

Hi All,

Does anyone know which brands are considered the best for the following supplements?
  • Methylcobalamin
  • Adenosylcobalamin
  • Methylfolate
  • L-Carnitine Fumurate

Sure it would help a few other people as well.

What are Seekinghealth's supplements like? - in particular their Adenosylcobalamin.


Less critical - but any preferred Magnesium, Calcium, and Zincs? (Maybe even a blend?)
Any preferred forms? Magnesium Glycinate for example?

Would be much appreciated,


Senior Member
Hi Ryane,
I've not been reading much lately. I don't know what has changed. I can help with somethings. I tell U what has worked for me....
Methylcobalamin - Enzymatic therapy methyl. b12 It used to be 5 starr and I think it still is. I tried b12oils.com. Truly loved them but I found them to be v. expensive and shipping is a killer. Check them out though. Once I can cut back on some nutrients I will probably go back to that.
Adenosylcobalamin- Anabol Naturals Dibencozide is what I had been using...I have some leftover stuff that really is not worth mentioning...Anabol was for me the best.
Methylfolate- Solgar 5 starr 400 to 800 mcg.
L-Carnitine Fumerate- none worked for me but Sigma Tau Drs. Best was the brand back than with some changes along the way.. so check this one for sure ( go to google type in l-carnitine fumerate phoenixrising.me and you will see old posts on google)
Magnesium - my NEW LOVE- I-m taking a combo of malate in the morning, Dr.s Best Chelated Mag. Ionic mega mag, Glycinate in the evening for sleep. Naturally you must take tolerance. I'm pretty off kilter here. There is a FB site magnesium advocacy run by a Morley Robbins. You may want to look at his U tubes and learn that way. There are 50,000 members. It can get kinda crazy.

That's all I have for now. Naturally, all the co factors. I have read all of Freddds stuff, Rich Van K. (rip) Caledonia is an amazing help with videos and there are many others. A groups of thousands of amazingly knowledgeagle people here from all walks of life. Brilliant, truly. Im not one of them. Im lucky if I can remember my name on some days....Good luck to you and your friends. Happy Healing XO C......
PS-U caught me on a good day. I'm usually not this together, LOL......
PPS- IMHO I find seeking health expensive. I take way tooooooo many vit/min. but someday if I cut back there are things Id like to try out.....well, look at this, I screwed up anyhow....Oh well, top or bottom my reply is here xo C
Hi All,

Does anyone know which brands are considered the best for the following supplements?
  • Methylcobalamin
  • Adenosylcobalamin
  • Methylfolate
  • L-Carnitine Fumurate

Sure it would help a few other people as well.

What are Seekinghealth's supplements like? - in particular their Adenosylcobalamin.


Less critical - but any preferred Magnesium, Calcium, and Zincs? (Maybe even a blend?)
Any preferred forms? Magnesium Glycinate for example?

Would be much appreciated,