I don't think you're alone in that..I've always been a social butterfly and very outgoing but after 10yrs and the way I was treated upon getting sick (they tried to admin discharge me) I realized that I had some paranoia and had become very isolated. Moving around a lot and never knowing who you can trust will do that to anyone in my opinion. Plus we're all served plenty of the juice of being America's impenetrable defense...holding the line and standing at the fence when no one else will stand with never a complaint..lol. You will be okay and once you get out and rebuild your life things will get better

Hunter-Hopkins told me that you have to pay them they don't take insurance referrals (double check though). I know I can put in for tricare reimbursement (it's only partial) but I'd have to check if VA works the same. Get in contact with the DAV where you're going to be and they can get you info. Also, I'm on a FB web group called Veterans2Veterans..they pass a lot of great info along. I'd have to friend you to invite you to the group.
If you can, check out 38CFR for chronic fatigue syndrome. It tells you how VA rates CFS and see if the VA doc will do a DBQ for you. Your CFS doc could do a nexus letter down the line and that could help you in tying the CFS to military service.
I have serious cognitive issues also...it would help a lot if you can get a referral before you get out for neuropsych testing. Military did one but it was a sham

and I got a second opinion referral for a civilian neuropsychologist. She said the trouble I was having in understanding was called slow processing speed. There are a number of studies that show this is common with CFS. Military called it mild cognitive impairment and she diagnosed organic brain disorder.

She also provided a strong opinion on how easily fatigued I became when attempting cognitive tasks.
Yes, I'm just got signed on with Vocational Rehab. I'm not sure about them. It was really confusing at first and I could never get them on the phone. Finally I went to the office and "caught"them and now I'm enrolled. I also applied for social security disability cause I don't think work is realistic for me right now. I figured if anyone could help its VR&E or else they can help strengthen my SSDI case. We'll see.