@kristysmiles Happy Birthday!
I've been slacking at making an appointment with a private doctor, mostly because I just don't know who to see. Being in the military, any number of things could have caused or aggravated it.
I think the GI issues may be a bigger issue than I orginally thought. My doctor put me on Nexium last week, since I was having chest pain that was indicative of acid reflux (didn't know you could have that eating health at 23, today's my birthday!) Not sure it was the Nexium, but I've felt like I've had an increase in energy since I've been on it. They've tested me for celiac previously, but I'm wondering if it's GI related (especially since Colon cancer runs in the family) since this medication has had such a big impact. I have another appointment in August, so maybe I'l inquire about further GI-related testing.
I theorize that ME/CFS type symptoms can be caused by a wide range of things, because if a major bodily system is acting abnormally I imagine it affects all of them. Like a chain reaction, though I feel that there must be something in the brain that is unable to fix or prevents the body from fixing whatever sets it off. Bacteria and parasites are the first things that come to mind for GI symtpoms. Thoughts?
I think my issues with doctors is a combination of them not believing anything is wrong or that it's as bad as I sad, as well as noticing that I don't act sick. My psychiatrist says that I mask things from people, so basically I could be dying and outwardly everyone would think things were fine. She literally makes me explain how I feel about everything I say, because I say all these awful things are happening, but I don't portray any of the emotion that I feel about what I'm saying. I'm the person that can talk about awful things in a calm voice (not sure why). I think it's a self-defense mechanism to keep me from reliving those emotions every time I have to talk about things that upset me. I'm getting neuro-psych testing done today, so maybe that will show something.
@Gingergrrl43 Definitely will look in the the GI testing, my parents will be in town in two weeks so hopefully they will be able to help me find a suitable doctor and drive me around for visits (explaining things to doctors is tiring!). My mom is also trying to get me a chiropractor referral. I've had two previous neck (whiplash type) injuries, and I've started to experience tingling and numbness in my left arm. Hoping a chiropractor might be able to help or provide guidance. The Army referred me to see one when the injuries first happened, but it was a 3-month wait, and then they sent me to Korea and then Hawaii.[/USER]
Wow your CFS is a lot like mine. I get chest pains, sensitivity to heat, pain behind my right eye, hypersomnia, twitches/tremor, concentration/memory problems, right jaw pain, blurry vision, tinnitus, constipation.
May I ask, do you also get some weird triggers for fatigue, such as doing very light work at a job, or driving for 1+ hours? Does pushing past fatigue cause heart rhythym disruption, and feelings of inflammation in your upper chest? These are characteristics of my fatigue.
I'm male unlike you though.
Phenibut at doses of 2-3 g 100% cures my CFS.
As I start feeling the effects of the drug, I notice a lot more circulation and feelings of blood flow around my gut and intestines. Vision gets clear, gut motility increases, mind clears etc.
I think that the problem is caused by some type of calcium channel upregulation/dysfunction. Overactivity of certain ion channels can cause blood vessels to contract lowering microcirculation, neurons to fire, muscles to twitch. Then cell metabolism problems start from lack of blood flow and constant tension, inflammation starts etc. Perhaps it is caused by a virus, because the issue for me started in my right chest/arm/shoulder and spread outwards. I had pericarditis a few times also.
It's also possible that viral infection of nerves causes nerve integrity to fell, letting positive ions flow into the cells and causing the above issues.
Recently I've been getting nocturnal seizures that only happen during dreams. Over 10 seconds, I get an increasing intensity in my right head, like a car slowly revving up, and at the same time I get increasingly loud tinnitus.
I don't know, I feel like you and I may be part of a similar CFS phenotype, not the same as a few others.
Im a male too when do you take the phenibut?
I have had the chest pains off and on but they are quite strong right now, blurry vision, constipation, twitching, fatigue, swollen glands, brain fog, achey joints.
Swollen glands are not a regular symptoms for me.
What do you mean then by phenibut 100% cures your CFS if you still have problems?I don't take it often, because high dose isn't sustainable and so you have to go through withdrawals afterwards too which make me even more dysfunctional than normal. It takes around 3-4 hours to kick in. I'm worried about excitatory kindling so I don't take it for months at a time now.
I am mostly interested in how the drug's effects relate to the pathology of my disease. Lavender oil aroma gives a similar effect but I get worse fatigue during withdrawal. It also has an effect on ion channels.
I also get achey joints and swollen lymphnodes, only on my right side though. Pain, and muscle dysfunction are only on my right side.
Presumably you mean it alleviates your CFS symptoms for two days, not cures the illness.Cures it for 2 days then it gets tolerance, and the drug isn't sustainable or healthy for your receptors to use nonstop at higher doses.
Hey @OlenaHello, Kristy! How are you feeling now? I was hoping that you get improvement. Happiness on Valentine's Day. There are people who love you and want you to be happy![]()
May I ask, do you also get some weird triggers for fatigue, such as doing very light work at a job, or driving for 1+ hours? Does pushing past fatigue cause heart rhythym disruption, and feelings of inflammation in your upper chest? These are characteristics of my fatigue.