raw cannibis as anti-oxidant, anti-inflamatory, anti-cancer


Senior Member
Vic, AU
There is a really great clip here from a BBC doco looking at the endocannabinoid system, pretty much shows why cannabis is so medicinal, although the title is a little misleading.



Senior Member
planet earth
I've been doing a bit more browsing on the topic. It seems that hemp oil might be helpful in attacking cancer according to a few youtube videos.

However, this one study shows that "NK activity" may be inhibited from THC. Important to us ME/CFS patients... So there is a balancing act between the benefits and risks like everything else....

Inhibition of natural killer cell function by marijuana components.

Klein TW, Newton C, Friedman H.

The extent of modulation of host resistance mechanisms by marijuana components is not fully understood. Natural killer (NK) cells are a subpopulation of lymphoid cells and are important in host resistance mechanisms against malignant cells, virus-infected cells, and possibly pathogenic bacteria and fungi. We report that the marijuana component delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) injected into mice results in a suppression of splenic NK activity. Furthermore, THC and the hydroxylated metabolite 11-hydroxy-delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (11-hydroxy-THC) suppress the NK activity of cultured murine splenocytes in a dose-dependent manner (range 1 X 10(-5) to 3.2 X 10(-5) M) without diminishing NK cell viability. The hydroxylated derivative appears to possess a more potent suppressive effect, in that it suppresses at lower concentrations than THC does and requires a shorter incubation time with the effector cells for its suppressive action. Purification of NK cells by Percoll density-gradient centrifugation suggests that both cannabinoids act directly on the natural killer cell population, resulting in suppression. Studies involving target binding analysis and calcium ionophore experiments suggest that cannabinoids do not suppress NK cell killing by the inhibition of effector/target binding or by disruption of calcium ion flux. These results suggest that two principal psychoactive cannabinoids can suppress natural killer cell function by interacting directly with the killer cells and disrupting cellular events postbinding and during the programming for lysis. Furthermore, the data suggest different modes of action for THC and the hydroxylated metabolite.

I've been doing a bit more browsing on the topic. It seems that hemp oil might be helpful in attacking cancer according to a few youtube videos.

However, this one study shows that "NK activity" may be inhibited from THC. Important to us ME/CFS patients... So there is a balancing act between the benefits and risks like everything else....

This may be true. But the beauty of cannabis is that there are so very many strains. There are hundreds of varieties that have markedly different effects on the human body. I didn't really like the side effects when I used to smoke it; but then again I just ingested whatever weed was being passed around the frat house that Saturday night. That's like drinking 150 proof moonshine and wondering why you keep getting so sick.

You may have already seen this story, but there is a secret society of mothers of autistic children who buy specific strains and give them to their children. The autism in these kids is uncontrolled and the kids are taking dozens of prescription drugs with horrible side effects. The poor moms are desperate and say the cannabis as a therapy is the only thing that has helped. The "druggist" at the cannabis dispensary was credited for helping her pick out the autism-treating strains.





Senior Member
planet earth
This may be true. But the beauty of cannabis is that there are so very many strains. There are hundreds of varieties that have markedly different effects on the human body. I didn't really like the side effects when I used to smoke it; but then again I just ingested whatever weed was being passed around the frat house that Saturday night. That's like drinking 150 proof moonshine and wondering why you keep getting so sick.

You may have already seen this story, but there is a secret society of mothers of autistic children who buy specific strains and give them to their children. The autism in these kids is uncontrolled and the kids are taking dozens of prescription drugs with horrible side effects. The poor moms are desperate and say the cannabis as a therapy is the only thing that has helped. The "druggist" at the cannabis dispensary was credited for helping her pick out the autism-treating strains.




Good point about the strains, and thanks a bunch for those articles.

I tried that stuff a long time ago. Looking back the strain probably made a big difference, but we just sampled whatever was around.

I tried some a couple years ago and it was too strong, made my head spin, and made me paranoid.

There is likely some benefit there for certain diseases if one can get the right strain and strength for their health issue. No idea if it would help with CFS. Looks like the infection issue could be problematic if one gets it wrong.

Homegrown provides the potential for being more self sufficient, and I'm most interested in whatever works. and if cookies does it, that easy. If juicing or oil does it. that's a bit more diffcult, but maybe ok too.

The video above from ghoastgum mentioned there are cannabinoid receptors mostly in the brain and liver for whatever that is worth.


Senior Member
planet earth
Here's another short article(easy to read) from MIT Technology Review.

Marijuana extracts kill antibiotic-resistant MRSA without a high.

Substances harvested from cannabis plants could soon outshine conventional antibiotics in the escalating battle against drug-resistant bacteria. The compounds, called cannabinoids, appear to be unaffected by the mechanism that superbugs like MRSA use to evade existing antibiotics. Scientists from Italy and the United Kingdom, who published their research in the Journal of Natural Products last month, say that cannabis-based creams could also be developed to treat persistent skin infections.

Now Giovanni Appendino of the Piemonte Orientale University, in Italy, and Simon Gibbons of the School of Pharmacy at the University of London, U.K., have revisited the antibiotic power of marijuana by systematically testing different cannabinoids' ability to kill MRSA.



Senior Member
planet earth
If you wanted to be juicing it.. you'd probably have to grow so much that you'd be looking like some kind of drug baron.

It would take a special type of growing room or large outdoor space to produce enough to juice for sure.

If you haven't already, you might want to watch the video in post #21. The lady was in complete remission from everything in about 6 weeks.

I think she might have a similar type of health situation we have. Pain, bed bound fatigue, broken back in three places, internal cystisis, constant infections, and even cancer I think. She was a complete mess and on 30 medications to stay alive at age 16? Horrible situation. She now has a kid and living life.

Might help somebody if they have the room and skills to make it happen. :balloons:

I would like to see people push pretty hard for medical marijuana, because it seems to have so much momentum as it is.


Senior Member
Sth Australia
Im not sure if medical marijuana would be the way to go. I'd think a study should be done first as those with ME/CFS have many issues other illnesses dont have and quite possibly there may be something which could be further complicated by it.

I actually "knew" someone who Im postive had ME/CFS but he only after many many years managed to get a FM diagnoses as no doctors in our town diagnose ME/CFS who was a heavy marijuana smoker.. this guy ended up DYING quite young (he was only about in his early 50s).. so smoking this drug certainly didnt help him (maybe it even made it worst..thou he did say it helped the pain but it certainly didnt have him being more active or able to be out of bed more).

I think we need to take care not to assume something which helps others with other illnesses will help us without more to back that up.


Senior Member
planet earth
I don't think smoking is the answer either.

I've tried smoking before and it made my health worse. Bad for "Pots" and "cognitive issues". Bad for the lungs too. Tried eating cookies and I doubt that would have any benefit for my situation. I have mostly liver, gallbladder, and stomach issues and think juicing might help that. The liver has "CBD receptors" and so does the brain.

I don't like the idea of having to grow it either because of the potential for somebody wanting to steal the product. Like you said, it is going to take a pretty "large amount" to juice.

Many unknowns, but also many reports of people benefitting.

All that being said, I think there are definitely chemicals in that plant that are highly beneficial. The trick is figuring out how to process the plant and put it to use.


Senior Member
planet earth
This is an interesting video(3 minutes) where a guy documents healing skin cancer on his nose from the oil. He follows the treatment progress on video and then shows videos of people using the traditional chemotherapy skin treatment.

If anybody finds information on how cannibis might be used for treating liver function, I would be curious to know Thanks!


Senior Member
planet earth

Jeffrey C. Raber, Ph.D. (thewercshop.com). Please read below:
When you consume “raw” cannabis, that is cannabis which has not been heated, you are consuming the cannabinoid acids. THCA and/or CBDA. If you have a strain that is dominant in CBD, then the raw form is delivering CBDA. If you have a high THC strain, then this raw form will deliver THCA. Look up tetrahydrocannabinolic acid, or cannabidiolic acid. Those are the A forms of the molecules you are consuming.

Almost all varieties today contain large amounts of THCA which when heated provides THC. By volume (it is reported by weight actually), there is next to no CBDA or CBD in virtually all of the strains currently available. NOT ALL STRAINS ARE THE SAME! EVEN THE SAME NAMES ARE MOST OFTEN NOT THE SAME (mis-named, different grower = different method = different end product)! Over-generalization of this marvelous plant is what is diminishing its stock and ruining the value it has to offer. We’ve done thousands of strain tests and have in-house expertise directly from The Netherlands, we are the most informed laboratory of professional scientists in the US, you can rest assured my comments are correct.

Only about 2% of the strain products available today have CBD above 1 wt% in them. It is RARE! And most likely almost none of it exists in non-medical states today.

Juicing is working because it provides the cannabinoid acids, which are potent anti-inflammatory compounds that help regulate the endocannabinoid system in ways not fully understood just yet. When you juice properly, you consume almost no THC or CBD, it is all THCA and CBDA! That is why you don’t receive any psychoactive effects. Juicing improperly may lead to heating the solution and causing THC to form. The only way to know exactly what you have, strain or juice wise, is to have it tested by a reliable and accurate lab (and not all of the “labs” today operate in that faction either unfortunately).

Only through accurate information dissemination, more thorough understanding and improved patient care will we be able to fully free this marvelous plant! We all have to do our part! Dr. Courtney, who we maintain an excellent relationship with, is a true pioneer in the fashion and we should all aim to support him and his efforts in every way we can. Let’s be sure to get the right information out there to everyone!


Senior Member
I contacted dispensaries in Washington and Colorado, asking how legalization for recreational use might affect the availability of hash oil. In both cases, the infrastructure won't be in place until late 2013/early 2014. It sounds likely that buyers will have to live in-state as well. It was also unclear if hash oil would be considered a recreational form of cannabis.


Senior Member
planet earth
I think Montana and California allow Cannibis to some extent also.

"Clearing the Smoke: The Science of Cannabis" is a good video from PBS. 30% or more is balony about politics, but it also has some good patient success stories mixed in with commentary from scientists/doctors.

1) From about the 40-43 minutes mark, a lady uses butter to treat epilepsy. She is off all prescription meds now.

2) Roughly the 46-50 minute mark was pretty good too. researchers are discussing some of the disease treated etc..


Senior Member
I found this, if not exactly on subject, then entertaining: The Muppets - Devil Went Down to Jamaica - perhaps in one light more of a cautionary view of Cannabis use, or at least indicative of its socialized perception.


Senior Member
I contacted dispensaries in Washington and Colorado, asking how legalization for recreational use might affect the availability of hash oil. In both cases, the infrastructure won't be in place until late 2013/early 2014. It sounds likely that buyers will have to live in-state as well. It was also unclear if hash oil would be considered a recreational form of cannabis.

What dispensaries did you contact? I'm surprised because in my state despite having a provision for medical marijuana, there is no legal way to obtain it. All dispensaries are illegal. MMJ patients in WA have to purchase from the black market, or if they grow their own at least initially do so.


Senior Member
If you're really curious, I'll find the emails and PM you. Honestly, I didn't pay deep attention once it was obvious that I wouldn't even be able to fly there to try the hash oil.

I had no idea that medical use of mj was stymied. I just assumed there were clinics.
Here's the deal Jarod:

We(or I) vote you the phoenix rising human guinea pig because you live in CA, the best state to try juiced cannabis.

You could go see Doctor Courtney and get all the details or here's the summary:

1) Go to your favorite dispensary in your area of CA after getting a MMJ card and ask them if they could get some of their suppliers to juice the leaves from their harvests and provide it for you to try. If you have trouble, you can call Dr. Courtney's clinic in Nor. CA and ask for advice in obtaining MJ juice.
2) If you listen closely to Dr. Courtney and his wife (the Lupus remission lady), the reason juiced works is that to get an effective dosage of CDB-A and THC-A to put symptoms into remission requires way more than any human could comfortably ingest and/or function on if it were THC (psychoative) in a dried and smokable form. You have to add juice to a beverage (too acidic to take alone) and ingest ideally 4x/day.
3) It will take 30 - 60 days of daily use before you'll know if it is helping.
4) It is more palliative than curative for chronic health conditions as his wife says in one of the videos that when she travels after a week or two without juicing cannabis, her symptoms return. So this is most likely a long time permanent usage deal if it proves effective.

For all of those confusing hemp with Marijuana: Hemp is rope and is bred for fibrous content and has negligible amounts of any of the cannabiniods necessary for healing. It still offers some health benefits ingested, but it is not marijuana. Hemp is industrial fiber. It is an industrial uses plant of great value for manufacturing everything from clothes to plastics and paper and could replace trees, oil based plastics and cotton industries. And that is one of the major reasons it is outlawed. Oil, Tree and Cotton monopolies don't want competition.

Rick Simpsons' "Phoenix Tears Hemp Oil" is NOT hemp oil - it is HASH OIL made from psychoactive THC/CBD laden marijuana plants.

Hemp = Rope and Paper. You smoke rope, you get a headache. You take fiber for your health, maybe you poop better but it does nothing to cure you of what ails you.
Marijuana = Medicine and party drug. This is what you juice, smoke, eat or put on as a salve to get well and cure cancer. And this is what Rick Simpsons' ignorantly named "hemp oil" is made from. And the reason Hash Oil works is the same reason as juicing: it is a concentrated dosage of THC/CBD's stripped from the plants chemically typically with alcohol.

Here's a link to another cancer cure using all of the above marijuana solutions with details:

Another link same author: