Radix pseudostellariae - improvements in CFS


Senior Member
United Kingdom
Hi all,

Just found this https://www.hindawi.com/journals/ecam/2011/840516/

Radix pseudostellariae has been show to reduce the symptoms of cfs. Both fatigue and immuno modulation. Mode of operation is probably polysaccharides but herbs are often syngeristic with other constituent parts and I've never heard of this one. I assume it must be part of the mushroom family but I could well be wrong.

IF the anti fatiguing effects are a PEM buffer. And if it's mushroom/due to the polysacharides. Then the result may be the exact same as reishi shitakki maitakki mix. But would need to check phamarcology and perform anecdotal tests with correct dosage.

The source for this was from a tcm article about covid19 herbal routes.


Senior Member
From the study:
The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of the polysaccharide isolated from Radix Pseudostellariae (PRP) on mouse chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) induced by intraperitoneal injection of polyriboinosinic:polyribocytidylic acid (poly I:C), a double-stranded synthetic RNA
[my bolding]

This is most likely a totally different, induced syndrome and the results (since it is a mouse model) are not transferable to humans.

So, may be helpful, but we don't know yet.

ETA: just saw the stick-out-tongue-smiley, I love autocorrect! Seems fitting for a compound with such a long name...
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Senior Member
South east England
this is a type of ginseng
It's referred to as "Ginseng of the lungs" due to its use as a "Lung tonic". Looks pretty interesting to me as it is also a yin tonic.
This is most likely a totally different, induced syndrome and the results (since it is a mouse model) are not transferable to humans.
So, may be helpful, but we don't know yet
Yes I'd agree with you on that @Lisa108 but as a single herb that might help, it does look like a good thing to try.

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
Radix pseudostellariae

The chinese herbs have chinese names and western names. The western names are often not the full Latin name of the plant in question. Proper latin names is the accepted nomenclature for describing plants and using common names can lead to: some confusion.

In this case, the term Radix is not the Genus (not the name) but referrring to using the root. So the "name" above is saying - the root of Pseudostellaraieae (which is the Genus name).

At the moment, its not clear to me what species of plant we are actually talking about. (meaning, I'd have to leave now and read more).

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
I'm fairy sure it's not a ginseng.

Your correct- in that the common term ginseng, can refer to the genus Panax, which are the classic ginseng...and these are members of the Aralia family.

Radix Pseudeostellaria is also ginseng. But its not this genus nor is it this family.

Its valid to call it a type of ginseng, but its not Panax.