@Janet Dafoe
i wanted to ask two questions. i am sorry if i am a bother, you can tell me off and i promise i will not be offended
i am wondering if you could shed some light on ron’s collaboration with akiko iwasaki and what this may mean for us? i saw you mention that you would connect prof iwasaki with patients? is this for research? maybe i could be one of the patients?
also, my friend who has cfs but is not able to make an account on phoenix wanted me to ask this question on her behalf. she said on facebook you had recently said access to ron’s newest treatment would be weeks away. she wants to know if this is still the timeline? i feel bad for relaying this question as i myself have asked about the timeline plenty enough already. but i also feel obligated as i told my friend i would pass the question on to you. i hope that’s okay!
again, thank you so much and have a splendid evening
