Question for Fredd


Senior Member
Hi Fredd,

Have you written anywhere on here what all your symptoms were before starting on your B12 protocol and making an excellent recovery?

I know you were housebound, even bed bound at times, for many years. But I'm also interested to hear what your individual symptoms were? I think you refer to things like pain and numbness in the feet for example?

Many thanks


Senior Member
Salt Lake City
Hi Fredd,

Have you written anywhere on here what all your symptoms were before starting on your B12 protocol and making an excellent recovery?

I know you were housebound, even bed bound at times, for many years. But I'm also interested to hear what your individual symptoms were? I think you refer to things like pain and numbness in the feet for example?

Many thanks

Hi Anniekim,

On the early part of the B12- Hidden thread, on a sticky at the top of the methylation menu are some of my fist posts that Cort moved to start the thread with. It might include my story. If it doesn, look for THE MOST AMAZING METHYLB12 STORY YOU HAVE EVER HEARD. Its there somewhere. Look at the list of 300 symptoms. I had 200 of them. I had everything neurological except psychosis, about everything gastro, massive skin problems, massive every kind of problem you can name, major edema and congestive heart failure, every FMS and CSF and ME symptom, pain pain pain, daily nausea and vomiting, clumsyness, ataxia, dizzy, can't focus eyes, can't taste or smell normally, multisensory hallucinations, poor memory, etc. I lost most of 20 years like Rip Van Winkle.